Yelp and limp


Inactive Member
Hi there
Hope someone can give me a bit of advice. I'm the proud mum of Gus a 14 week old male Newfie puppy - now every so often, he will give out a whimper or a yelp and not seem to be able to put pressure on his front left leg. This only lasts a second or two and the next minute he's bounding around, jumping etc..I've checked it out with the vet, first visit he said it was a sprain then the yelp happened a few times during the week so we went back for an X-ray, nothing at all, no cracks/hairline fractures, he said good calcium deposits and just rest him up. For a few days he was fine but then at puppy class tonight, having gotten over excited he let out a few yelps, and once again had difficulty putting weight on that front leg, but a second later he was jumping and landing on the front legs with no yelps?What could this mean - my breeders said it may be growing pains or cramps, but why's it always in the same leg - we bend it gently at all joints and he doesn't seem bothered at all with no signs of pain. He doesn't limp only for a stride or two after letting out a yelp. This sometimes also happens when he gets up after sleeping having his front paws tucked under. We've always been very careful about exercise, he hasn't gone up any steps etc..If anyone can put my mind to rest as to what this could be or has had similar experiences, I would be very greatful.


New member
Lawrence, check his toenails. He might have split or broken one so it hurts if it hits at certain angles. Check his toes, too, to see if you can figure exactly WHERE he's ouching.


Inactive Member

Thanks Lynne - I will check his toenails, I have already squeezed all toes with noe affects but not nails, I'll let you know how he gets along... Lawrence