Would Goggles Work?


New member
Here's my question... but first... promise you won't yell at me!!

Molly loves to ride in the truck. She goes everywhere with me - to the bank, supermarket, just sits in the truck and watches everything going on. Now here's the thing. Molly gets such joy out of sticking her head out the window while we're driving. I know, I know... it's bad. I don't let her do it on fast roads, just the slow ones. But she begs me to open the window for her the whole ride long. I'm wondering if swimming or airplane goggles could be set up to work on a newf? Their heads are as big or bigger than ours and they might fit. But how would I keep them on her? Around the ears somehow?

Any other bad mommies out there who've figured something out so the kids can catch some wind?


New member
Go to a Harley Davidson store! ROTFL!!!!
also dont forget things can go flying up their nose!
mine dont get to let it fly in the wind, we have a cargo van! LOL
when i am stopped and out they can stick their nose out though if they sit in one of the seats, than people do double takes becouse thru the back windows or the sides it looks like two people sitting in the chairs, until they look closer! LOL


New member
checkout some of the doggie supply catalogs, I've seen doggles as they called them advertied. I dont know how well rhey work but they were made for exactly what you're talkin about.


New member
Is sticking their head out the window bad for them? I didn't know that. Why? :confused:

Carmen looooooves car rides for the sole purpose of sticking her head out and enjoying the MN spring. She will be crushed if we have to quit opening her windows...

That really must be a sight to see - a big, yellow Aztek with a big ol' Newfie head sticking out the side. We get a lot of looks, to say the least.



New member
The reason its bad for them is this, image the following....
your head is out the window, ears flopping in the breeze goin 55-65 mph and WHAM you get a bug in the ear or worse yet eye
!! MAJOR damage will be done, even at slow speeds there is a risk. :eek:
I know they all love to ride around with their heads out the window and you dont often run into a heard of bugs but I know how bad it hurts when we are on the motorcycle and one hits me in the leg or the forehead. I dont want them in the eye hence why I were shatterproof sunglasses when I ride. :D
So if you really want to let them hang their heads out I'd check into goggles. And ya anything with the Harley Davidson name on it is gonna be pricey!!

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
I have worried about the same thing with Sailor. When I drive, the seat is all the way up, so that my short leg can reach the gas pedal... this gives him extra room behind my seat, and he loves to ride with his head out the window. I worry about bugs and other debris.... goggles... Geeez... Russell is really going to think I've gone around the bend! LOL!


New member
Samson rides with his head out too--and I know it is a no no. Our rule is that 30mph and under his head can stay out; otherwise we roll the window up. On our "regular" routes he knows by the curve of the road when to sit up in his seat because the window is about to open...


New member
A friend of mine was riding his MC and he was wearing shorts (yes very stupid). A bee hit his leg at .. well lets just say this guy has never been one to pay attention to things like speed limits posted on the side of the road. I kid you not, his entire thigh was red and he had a lump the size of a grape fruit half. As mis-fortune would have it the stinger did go in his leg and it was a visit to the doctor to remove it....
Get the goggles... maybe a helmet as well.


New member
An awful lot of you are scaring me. Just becuase you are not going that fast doesn't mean the jerk passing you can't cause a problem. IF you're dog really need the air get one of those screen/vent things you put in the window that allows the air in but not the dogs head out the window.

And if your dog is hanging their head out the window, I hope they at least have a seatbelt harness and it's properly attached.

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
You're right Joan. All kidding aside, the way people drive, I worry about getting sideswiped... it would only take one time... and it's just not worth it.. so Sailor will just have to settle for the A/C!


New member
wow I never thougth about this..Bo used to love to hang his head out the window....I was a great passion for him....I'm glad nothing bad ever happened..life and learn :eek:


Super Moderator
I will never, ever forget a story on Newf-l a few years back and this relates to Newfs being loose in vehicles, not even hanging their heads out the window.
A lady on Newf-l was sideswiped at great speed, her car was hit and knocked onto its side. The Newf was thrown out and crushed to death.
I can still have nightmares even reading about it.
I can't even begin to imagine how the lady must have coped with that.
My dogs travel in crates, I have a vehicle big enough, but otherwise I hope people anchor their dogs with seatbelts.

ROM Newf

New member
Someone local who owns a Newf bought a sidecar specifically for the Newf so the Newf could go motorcycling too. I think the Newf does have goggles.


New member
Aw ROM, you just have to get a shot of that for us. I know it would make everybody's day to see a newf in a sidecar... tell me, are his goggles tinted dark?? and does he wear a scarf that blows in the wind behind him?

Scuse me, my imagination is running away with me.


New member
Angela - Your story proved my point. If that dog had been crated. there is a good chance it would have survived. One of the things that I am most crazy about with my dogs is that when they travel they are crated. Our vehicle gets bigger as we add dogs. Right now we have a full size van that will hold 4 newf size crates. Right now we only have 3 newfs. OK, we won't go THERE,


New member
not to mention small rocks or dust or any number of things. Libby loves to put her head out, but I try to not let her. Usually I unroll the back window only a crack to get the air in....



New member
I would love love love to see the newfie in the side car...wrap a scarf around his neck and away they go!

How do they keep him in? Do sidecars have seatbelts?