Who would like to be me ???


New member
Just for a few days. I could sure use the break and definately the use of a working brain for a while.

Today hubby woke me up at 8:00 frantically yelling at me that Emma had eaten a full bottle of 56 500mg. cephalexin. Oh Dear God.

He called the vet while running around the back yard looking for tell tale signs of her dastardly deed. We knew it would have been between 9:30 last night and 8:00 this morning. The assistant who answered, called the vet who called us and by then, hubby had found 12 uneaten capsules in a pile, and Emma was in the corner throwing up. All this was going on while I stood on the deck, saying OMG over and over. Useless, that's what I was.

The vet wanted to know how much of the medicine Emma had just thrown up, we figured about 1/2 cup. She did some calculations and felt sure Emma would be fine.

Hubby then told our vet how he noticed it happening was he heard a crash in the fam. room attached to the porch where he was and then Emma came through to exit at her doggie door with a bottle of meds in her mouth. This bottle was the Rimadyl. A full bottle. The vet shrieked and said, had that been the one she had eaten, she would have died on the spot. Luckily hubby grabbed it out of her mouth as she flew by him.

The vet suggested we keep all giant breed meds in the refridgerator from now on and we thanked her as she hung up on us due to another emergency call coming in......

Emma is herself, not daunted whatsoever by this morning's near tradgedy. I called my breeder (friend) confessing to my stupidity, she trying to calm me down, telling me that accidents happen and I'm still a good mom.......

All the meds are in the fridge.... I will never leave them on my desk again. Stupid, stupid, stupid. You'd think I'd learn after she pulled the boiling chicken soup off the stove onto herself.....

It's only 3:00 and I'm ready to go back to bed.


New member
She's fine. You're fine. You're not a bad mom. Accidents do happen. Deep breaths, in thru the nose out thru the mouth.


Super Moderator
Accidents happen so don't beat yourself up over it. We all live and learn---right??? I keep all meds in the top cabinet. Luckily she was not hurt from it. A lesson for all of us!!


New member
You poor baby !! I join in saying, though, accidents do happen. She's fine. Go to your bed, pull down the covers, take a nap and relax. Thank goodness for lessons learned

Nancy and Bear


New member
You poor thing! You do need a spa treatment or at least a nice back rub! Last night Maggie had something in her mouth , I could hear it hitting her teeth but everytime I felt I couldn't find it....so finally I shook her head like a piggy bank and out popped a sharp tipped screw!I knew I wasn't crazy. :D I have know idea were it came from either... just like real babies I tell ya!


New member
I have one
Forgive yourself, and remember, we all have been there, you just cannot be on the ball and watch every single movement they make every minute of every day!
i learned my lesson that i have to quit beating myself up all the time, i have to forgive myself and than move on all the smarter.
glad everyone is ok!


New member
Everyone is right Linda, it happened, Emma is ok and you are a wonderful Mom and don't you ever forget it. That is why they are called "accidents". Get a good night sleep tonight.