What Size Kong??


New member
A Kong seems to be the one toy/chewie that Uwe doesn't have. What size do you recommend? The largest? Somewhere in between?

Shawn and Uwe


New member
We have the largest and we have the next to largest. The largest are black and the hardest, but the girls prefer the smaller sized colored ones. They are not little enough to swallow or anything, but the colored ones apparently are a little bit softer. Moonlight also loves her kong ball which we do play with in the back yard. It weighs a "ton" but you can throw it, and it has grooves that are good for her teeth. It's also red, so it's easy to find.

et al


Inactive Member
I bought a red one (about 4-5 inches long) for Stanley. I put peanut butter inside it and gave it to him. I left him alone for about 2 minutes and when I returned to see how he was dealing with it I found the kong in about 6 pieces. He bit right through it. It's funny because he has a furry stuffed football that he carries everywhere that he never hurts. I guess I'll have to spend the big bucks for the biggest one if they are harder.


New member
Another way to entertain them..ask your friends to save some assorted tree trim/pruning..from yard work. HB is endlessly thrilled with her 6 acres of sticks: walnut, hazelnut, maple,fir, pine, cedar, laurel, un named 'river drift', etc. Diff. 'styles', textures, flavors..and of course free. If y'all simply must buy toys..have your neighbors charge ya. ;) Sneaking now..QUITE outta reach!! ina n HB


New member
Your dog's correct Kong size really depends on how hard of a chewer your Newf is.
We went through a few sizes through puppyhood and "teenage" years, and are now maxed out at the black King Kong. It takes her a few months to wreck one of those.
Whatever size you choose, be sure to make it a "supervised" toy, because even the black Kongs for heavy chewers can be broken apart if you have a persistent enough Newf!


[ 06-13-2006, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: MGoBlue ]


New member
Hey Tiff!! There's a heavy duty Blue kong. Dark blue, not the puppy blue. It's only available at certain vets, although I think I've seen them online a few times. It's even stronger then the black one.


New member
Wow, harder than black!!! Hard to imagine. I'm with Ina. We use a lot of sticks here - especially maple and cherry. Not good to play with any evergreen, though, and pine is especially not good - resins I think. Mine have kongs inside and big sticks outside, except for the kong ball which is outside. Wouldn't want to be throwing that thing in the house!

et al


New member
Thanks for the information! I didn't know there was one harder than black.
What other goodies do you put in besides peanut butter?

Shawn and Uwe