What is your dog afraid of?


Inactive Member
At first thought, I can't actually think of anything Bear is afraid of. He actually think's he's kind of a bad-ass - even with new situations and or environments. Sometimes, Jaime and I will intentionally try to scare him - that doesn't even work. Jaime, can you think of anything?


New member
The vacuum cleaner is definitely evil in our house and Oz just barks and barks at it.
Big men and brooms scare him, we've overcome the broom phobia but not the big man thing. Who knows what happened to him before he found us, I think he may have had a bad experience with a big man and a broom and I try not to think about it.
Other than that he is pretty fearless and my big protector. Sometimes he barks at a hat I'm wearing if its new until he has thourally checked it out and slobbered all over it as well of course!


Inactive Member
Bear is afraid of going to long between meals.
He loves to eat and the way that my little boy responds to the phrase "Do you want dinner? Are you hungry?" makes you think that he hasn't eaten in a year.
Seriously though, he gets very panicky when either of us are out of his sight. If he can't see us, he races around desperately searching for his mom and dad. And when we play hide and seek, he cries and barks with nervous anticipation to find us.


New member
Hallie is terrified of heights. Steep stairways, balconies, she won't go near them. She also has a strange phobia of grates on the ground. These include heater vents, storm drains, etc. On the other hand, she just loves the vaccume cleaner, thinks it was made purely for her enjoyment, and it can be quite bothersome when vaccuming to try and keep her away. She barks at it, and puts her face against it so that it sucks at her lips. You'd think she wouldn't like this, but she just can't get enough. I'm not sure how she got her strange phobias. She had them when we got her at nine weeks, and when she came home she was a confident, friendly, fearless puppy... except for the heights and grates???!


New member
Angus is also afraid of heights, grates and open stairs. Our dog trainer said it's a fairly common anxiety with them. He's doing better now. If I lead him and act matter of fact, he'll follow. Or if I just go ahead and walk off without him, he's more afraid of being left behind and will do it.
Gracie is totally fearless, except of being left out of any fun! :D She does NOT want to be left out!


New member
Quark is afraid of pillows. :rolleyes:

Morgan has always been very submissive, but not really "afraid" of anything. Except, of course, being left behind at my parents' house. I once let DH bring her back in his car - I left a couple hours earlier. She was so MAD! He even stopped at McD's to get her a burger - she wouldn't even eat a french fry. And that's what we used to use to bribe her into the bathtub! She totally blamed him, though, not me. DH would try to talk to her and she wouldn't even look at him. For 2 days! ;) My baby does have her favorite - and that favorite is Mommy. :D

However, we did discover just after Christmas that Morgan is very distrustful of long tubes - like those that hold wrapping paper. My brother picked up a tube and started talking through it. Morgan went completely nuts. Barking like she's never barked before. But at least she stood up to the evil that is cardboard tubes. When Quark saw her reaction, he tucked his tail and RAN. We found him hiding behind the bed.


[ 03-07-2004, 10:44 PM: Message edited by: kzdz ]


Inactive Member
Gideon used to be scared of the vacume, but almost saddly, he isn't any more. After praising him when when vacuming, he now gets in the way! At Christmas time, he was scared of the christmas lights on the house across the street. The first night he noticed them, I had to keep the blinds shut or he would keep woofing at them. He seemed to get over that pretty quick too. What ever frightens him, doesn't usually do it for long, he is pretty good about dealing with things like that.


Inactive Member
All of mine are terrified of the bottle of ear cleaning solution. Pick it up and they scatter and bark their fool heads off (well Indy does...the other 2 don't bark!)


Inactive Member
Sophie is afraid of Tow Trucks. When she was about 8 months old she, unfortunately, had to ride on one. Ever since then, anything that makes that hydraulic noise scares her. Poor puppy!


New member
I couldn't think of anything that Hudson is afraid of until I read Shawn's post ... yep, that bottle of ear cleaner is about the worst sight Hudson could lay eyes on ... and he's gonna see it tonight... :rolleyes:
I recently found out Owen is afraid of umbrellas. I'll push the button...it shoots out...Owen backs up. Then the top part goes "poof" and Owen has his tail between his legs and starts looking for a place to hide! I've been trying to desensitize him to this! He also will not go down in our basement. Open stairs! Had a heck of a time getting him down the stairs to class the one time...took a LONG time with a support group to get him down, but after that he went down easily. Don't know what it is about the basement steps here...but they are evil in his eyes!


New member
Kimber is afraid of dark trash bags, orange cones, wet floor signs, and decorations that blow in the wind. Also, a white sign post across the street suddenly turned evil after 2 months of walking past it daily :D

I'm waiting for men in white coats to turn up one of these days when I'm petting the above mentioned items to prove they're not evil

On the bright side, she's not fazed by wheelchairs, walkers, or really loud alarms on medical equipment. I may jump at the alarms but she just looks up and looks away.


Inactive Member
The only thing my Toby is afraid of is
missing a meal. That's my boy!!!!

[ 03-09-2004, 10:21 PM: Message edited by: NewfMom200 ]


Inactive Member
I find it quite funny that a dog, even a newf would be afraid of a pylon or wet floor thingys,lol.Murphy also gets quite afraid when we holler BED and i guess he just ponders over what he did wrong
.Then we let him out and give him a treat :D

Taylor's mom

New member
Samuel is only 4 months old. We live in a big old house. The other night it was REALLY windy out and it was coming from a direction that made a howling sound in the house. As long as the radio or tv were on it was okay. BUT when we went to bed he was so scared. He left his twin size bed next to us and laid above my head (I sleep with A LOT of pillows) and plastered his face against mine. There he was all night! I didn't have the heart to make him move so I let him be. Poor little (?!?) guy... Sure hope he gets over it before he's full grown. :eek:


Inactive Member
My Wooly is absolutely afraid of tile floors other than at home. In addition to this, we do a lot of parades and he doesn't like the drums in the bands. He's always afraid that the mop is going to get me so he goes after it

Zeus is afraid to be without me. I take him everywhere I possibly can. When we're in parades if my daughter or husband tries to walk him he comes right next to my leg. Zeus is my rescue that is my velcro dog
He's everything I've always wanted!