Weak sphincter muscles


New member
Just posted this on the Holistic forum, but thought I would cross post here since it appears to generate more traffic:

One of our dogs was been diagnosed with "weak sphincter muscles". She wets herself while resting/sleeping. Our vet wanted to put her on Phenylpropanolamine, but we vetoed the decision due to the potential side effects. Does anyone know of a good holistic remedy to help tighten the muscles?


New member
Think we're gonna make an appt. with the holistic vet to discuss possible remedies -- she's beginning to loathe the frequent hind end baths!

R Taft

Active member
I think the lack of sphincter muscle tone is often due to a lack of female hormones.......Is she spayed??
I think there is something that the holistic vets prescribe, I cannot recall the name. But I do think My Abbey was given something, when she wet herself. But she was spayed and I think that was what they were "treating"

R Taft

Active member
Interesting. yes, she is spayed. Did the holistic meds help your Abbey?
Yes....Abbey was on all sorts of alternative treatments for her multiple problems.
Sorry i cannot remember what she was on. Our Holistic friend is out of the country for further studies in Switzerland, so i cannot ask her


Active member
I just spoke with Marina (from the natural rearing website) about this earlier this week. She suggests using Ovarian complex and a homeopathic remedy called Incontinence Aid. They help tonify the area. Is your girl spayed? If so these will balance the lack of hormones which is often a contributing factor to incontinence. These products can be found at www.naturalrearing.com. You may want to give Marina a jingle or email her and talk things out with her.

Sure hope your girl can get some relief soon.