We still have toilet training problems.


Inactive Member
Ugh, I know I've been flooding the board with my 'problems with rory' posts and I have to apologise for that but I just have to say-
she still wees in the house sometimes. And this bothers me greatly, as she is 5 and a half months old now.

An example from 5 minutes ago -
Rory and I are in the back yard. For 10 minutes, I stood still, in one spot, saying "do a wee now Rory. Do a wee." Rory walks around, chews a bone, smells some plants, stands next to me, looks at me, lies down. (repeat all above actions). Finally I decide she mustn't need to go. So we go inside. Because she has a tendancy to go on the floor once we get inside, I walk down the hall and call her to follow me into the computer room. She gets half way down and croutches and starts to pee. While looking at me. I say loudly - "Rory, outside! Outside" and we go outside. She doesn't finish the job, she just looks at me. This is a regular happening.

The weird thing is for about a week and a half, we didn't have a single accident in the house. Even overnight. Now she is doing it two, three times a day, and overnight too. We are still diligent with taking her outside. She needs to be taken into the back yard, even though the door is constantly open for her to come and go, so we do this often.

A couple of months ago, the vet thought she might have developed a preference for carpet over grass. She said some dogs do this and it's very hard to break. She also doesn't go to the toilet when we go on a walk, whether she is on or off the leash. Her toilet habits have definitely improved - we used to be cleaning up puddles and stains 10 times a day, at least. But she is most definitely not toilet trained.

Personally, I think she has toilet issues.

We toilet trained our old dog, no problems. Same methods. I've read books, articles, websites. Had advice here.

Am I going to have to get a dog psych in or something?
What on earth is going on?


New member
Amy, have you carefully deodorized the places where Rory has peed? That could be the problem. Do you praise her to the sky when she DOES piddle outside? My babies are doing pretty well at 4 mos, but we went through a lot of "GOOOOOOOOD puppy puddle!!!"
And if she's not going through the night, put her back in her crate. My brats share a huge Dane crate in our bedroom at night and they wake me if they need to go out.
Now, if I could just convince them that they really CAN go through the whole night without waking me.......


New member
I agree with Lynne. Totally clean the area that is being soiled. Also, what we did, was to spend time in that area playing, and giving treats. It helped Khiori to know these were parts of her 'den' and not just a hidden area she could use for potty.


Inactive Member
We have recently started cleaning hith soap and warm water and then we spray white vinegar over the area. We were using a whole assortment of carpet cleaning products but this seems to work best.

The last two days have been much better, we have been extrmely diligent with taking her outside. We just need persistance, I guess. But I tell you, the day rory goes to the back door and indicates she wants to go outside will be a very happy one!


Inactive Member
I know - I do need Natures Miracle (I have heard so many recommendations on the net for it) but we don't have it here in Australia - I've checked! And while I'd love to ship some over, it's not at all economical ($1AU is now $2US!!!

But thanks for the recommendation anyway.


New member
Amy, check your pet supply stores and catalogs. There MUST be something that's comparable. You need an enzyme product, something that eliminates the odor, rather than just covering it up.


Inactive Member
Yes, I've been to the pet store and bought a stain / odour remover which we were using (finished the bottle actually) but in the meanwhile we had the carpet steam cleaned. The steam cleaning guy told us that the products we had been using were bad for the carpet and not to use commercial products as they can cause damage of their own. He said they remove the stain but cause their own damage underneath which can later rise to the surface.

I don't know if this is true or not but we live in a rented house and need to take precautions with the carpet. When we had it steam cleaned, the carpet came up beautifully. A few stains have reappeared though, they took a coule of weeks to come back but they were not new stains, they were old ones we had cleaned up. We'll probably have it steamed cleaned again in a month or so, when she's 99% there. Anyway, the guy suggested the warm water, soap and vinegar thing. It seems to work fairly well, and she really doesn't like the vinegar at all.

We have had no incidents inside during the day for a week or so, although still some at night. But that's to be expected really, as she's inside for a good eight hours or so then.

[This message has been edited by AmyPC (edited 03-28-2001).]


Inactive Member
I don't know if this will help, but I have trained my dog to ring a bell when he wants to go out. I started the first day that I got him, and it soon became a game. Now he knows that the bell is for potty breaks. I just thought that might help if you are leaving the door open all of the time.


Inactive Member
I love the bell idea, it's been suggested to me before but I don't think it would work in our house. There are people going in and out all day through the back door and it would just be ringing all the time. And I know Rory would play with it just to get us in the kitchen.

However, she has been scratching at the door lately, which is great for us. And she does it very loudly, so we can all hear it.

She's been much better lately, she's had two accidents since this first post I did I think.

[This message has been edited by AmyPC (edited 04-05-2001).]