We have a lurker Ladies and Gents!!


Inactive Member
Okay, so I find this forum in January and I'm all excited and tell my fiance, Tim (known to Ese as 'Daddy'), about it. (It was his advice at the time that helped me find this place. When Ese was diagnosed with CHD I was frantic with fear and worry. He suggested I find a newsgroup or something along those lines with other Newfoundland owners, so I could find out if they had any dogs with CHD and learn from them.) So, he says, "That's great honey. I'm really glad you found other Newf people that are so nice and informative." Same tone a parent often uses when their exuberant child brings them something they've created. I half expected a pat on the head as I went back to the computer. hehe Anyway, since then caught him TWICE lurking here, reading up on everything. The second time he said, "Hey, how come you haven't posted that photo of me and Ese in the snow? It's a good one!"

So everyone, say "Hi" to Tim our resident lurker.
Tim, angel, here ya go

A tribute to his Newfoundland:
"... beauty without vanity
strength without insolence
courage without ferocity
and all the virtues of man without his vices"
- Lord Byron, 1808


Inactive Member
Now that picture should be framed. What a handsome guy you got there...and Tim ain't so bad, either!

Hi, Tim! *waving* Hope one day you feel comfortable enough to post here. Heaven knows Gad, Greg and Geoff need more "masculine" points of view here. We've practically got the poor men quilting, for Pete's sake.


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."


Inactive Member
Hi Tim and Ese!
Great picture!

Yeah I think the other guys around here would love for you to join in. lol-quilting-lol!

Greg L

New member
Hey, I know you....

Quilting? Never (unless I can make the same amount of money that I see some of them going for here and there). Now making rugs is something that I do to keep busy while sitting in front of the idiot box.


Hopefully the brewery in the basement and the pistol range out back will keep the testocerone levels up to an acceptable point.



Inactive Member
Hi Tim and Ese! Great pic!

Greg, you've been around the block here a lot longer than I have, so why don't you be in charge with coordinating with GAD, me, and some of the other guys here, so we can find the right time and place to meet and get started on that newfie quilt!!!
But when we sell it and make a ton of money, should we still give a percentage of it to Kanela, since it was her idea in the first place????

Quilting 101


New member
Welcome Tim! Fantastic pic of the both of them. I agree, you should have that pic framed.



Inactive Member
Well now that's real generous of ya, Mochaspa, but I think a PHOTOGRAPH of you guys quilting would be worth more than any old percentage you come up with.


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."


Super Moderator
HI Tim. I don't blame you for lurking. We ladies are pretty hard on the few men that dare to reveal themselves. Great Photo

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


Inactive Member
Thank you for the kind welcome. I'm very glad my better half was able to find these forums. I've been lurking for a while now and really enjoy the pictures of the other newfs and seeing how much love all of you have for your newfs, its really cool. I think its pretty safe to say now that we have Ese.. it would be tough to own any other breed in the future! Ese is very very special to me, and I think im more excited in the mornings about getting him out of his crate than Miyax is. I'd like to tell you with a straight face that it's rude for Ese to dive bomb the bed when Mom is sleeping. (big smile).. but I can't tell you that.. What I can tell you is the sinful delight I feel when I hear the loud thud upstairs and Mom in a broken, drowsy voice saying, "ese.. off... OFF".
Anyway, hope to participate a little more in these forums. Thanks again for the welcome!

- ese's dad


Inactive Member
Hey, Tim! Welcome to our friendly forum! I couldn't help noticing your carefully chosen call name "Gunslinger"--very masculine! And probably a good way to start here, since, by the time you reach pack member status(>30 posts), Kanela and her peeps will have you trading in your cool baseball cap for a crocheted floppy, and you'll be searching the internet for good QUILTING message boards!!!
Great pic of you and Ese!! And GAD, Greg, and the other guys along with myself are proud to have you join us!!!!

Take care, my quilting bro!
