Water Intake


New member
How much water does your Newf drink a day? I know they love water but I feel like mine drinks a lot.

Is there a recommended amount?


Active member
Mine drink as much as they like. And that's a lot. They seem to drink more at the lake than at home. Guess they like that fishy taste better. And they pee a lot more at the lake, too.


Active member
Hmmm I've never measured it, but we fill his bowl 3-4 times a day. We use a 4 cup measuring cup to fill his bowl, so I guess he drinks around 12 cups a day? That's a normal day. We noticed a long time ago he drinks more if he's stressed, like if we go to my parents for a weekend or something. At home he drinks in spurts and not a sip here or there. At my folks house he takes a drink every time he walks by his bowl.


Super Moderator
I find they drink much more when they are puppies or young dogs but you could mention it to your vet if you are worried. Also you could measure how much you think he drinks.


New member
Our Newf girl drinks at least double that of our Lab and they are almost the same height and weight.


New member
I was just wondering, mine drinks close to a gallon a day. I feel like her water bowl is always empty.

I've never measured how much Maggie drinks, but that sounds like pretty normal, especially when its warm. She drinks in spurts. She rarely empties her bowl though because we usually dump the drool out and refill it quite often. The bowl is probably 48oz and we fill it about 3-4 times a day. She has another bowl in the bedroom for night time. She'll drink about half of that at night or more in the summer.

If you are concerned measure how much she's taking in just to be sure there is nothing out of the ordinary.


New member
My newf (Busa) drinks A LOT of water! It's been very hot and humid here this summer and he is a pretty active dog. He gets a lot of his exercises from chasing around my crazy great dane. Busa has started a new bad habit of pawing at our bed in the middle of the night and whinning. He wants water. But not the water in the bowl that's only a couple hours old. Ohh no he wants his bowl refilled with fresh water. LOL