Wanted: Unique Newf Items


New member
Looking for unique items for the Fine Arts Auction for the Nationals this year. If you know of anyone with a talent for creating Newfie items, or if you yourself have that talent we need you! We are looking for items for the Fine Arts Auction, if you can help please let me know. It can be anything, Newf or even non-Newf!!! We will be advertising the auction heavily this year and you will recieve proper credit and advertising for your donation or unique piece!

If you have questions, advice, leads, comments etc just drop me a note!

Thanks for looking!


New member
We don't have to have anything in hand until the week of the Nationals if the individual is going to be there or could send it with someone else. If not we are asking that the items arrive no later than two weeks prior to the Nationals to be sure they arrive before we leave. For those items being used for Fine Arts we are also asking that if possible pictures be sent in advanced so that the item can be included in our brochures and advertisements that will be passed out during the Nationals.