Wagswalk with Louie


New member
Louie and I did a Wagswalk walk today. You are all thinking what is that ?? Our local kennel club (Lebanon County Kennel Club)holds this walk every year to raise money. This was Louie's first year. They had a great turn out, they had about 100 dogs and humans. There was only one other Newfy. Louie started out in front with my friend's rottweiler, side by side. Then he was along side of me and then he was behind me needless to say we had to take a short cut back to the starting area. I did not know the walk was 4 miles :eek: Needless to say Louie is down stairs sleeping sooundly
We both had a great time and he behaved so beautifully. He got to smell alot of other dogs and I got to talk to another Newfy mom :D

Noreene Rodgers

New member
Sounds like it was fun!
Nuthin is better than talkin' "Newfie" to somebody who is as interested in them as yourself. This forum is wonderful for that. They understand me! And I, them!
The Dog Walk sounds neat, were there any other events scheduled at the same time? Was it a walking information event? Sometimes our local Kennel Club has an 'info fair' (I can't remember what they called it) Dogs and people are in "booths" and give info to those who are interested in that particular breed.


New member
It was great fun. No it was not any of those things you asked but what great ideas. The lady I was talking to happened to be the contact for Newfys in our area. When I speak to her again I will pass those great ideas along. This year was their largest turn out. I agree this forum is the best place to come and talk. Like yesterday I was so thrilled to meet one other Newfy in my area and compare notes. Have a great day, Judy & Louie