

Inactive Member
My 2 year old girl was up all night vomitting. I think she ate the new newf's dog food and her stomach could not handle it.I am worried.When do I call the doctor? She did seem to stop this morning.I think.Help :confused:


Super Moderator
I wouldn't feed her anything for a day to allow her tummy to rest. If she only ate new food it should pass without any problems. Just start her back on a bland diet adding her regular kibble slowly.

I'd still watch her closely. Most generally when a dog eats new food they get loose stool and not vomiting a lot. Make sure she is drinking plenty of water.


Inactive Member
Droopy was throwing up alot when he had too much clostridium in his GI tract...they put him on antibiotics for a week and it cleared up...just follow Jeannie's advice and if it still isnt better, then bring her to the vet.