URG! Trans Chalrestown Va to Haegerstown, MD


Inactive Member
It all started with a newf mix pup on the pts list for Tuesday morning. . And then we found out she had a sister. Three months old. Then we found out that there were three beautiful 3 month old lab retriever mixes facing put down this Tuesday am also. the shelter is opening their doors especially for rescue as they are closed al weekend.

I would have been ok if I'd stopped with the newf x, but I couldn't turn my back on the others. Especially when rescues stepped forward.
All we need for everyone to go home safely is a ride from Charleston Va to Haegertown Maryland Sunday. 3 hours someone could get to spend with incredibly cute puppies.

If anyone can help, please email me. If anyone knows a place to crosspost the request, please feel free to do so. We are desperate, as it always is with these 24 hour rescues. But these babies, dumped in an overnight box on those below zero nights could use a break.

Thanks for any and all help,

Holly, who really needs help


Inactive Member
Holly, I hope you get the help you need. You are doing an awesome job here and I have everything crossed that it all goes well...


New member
A big thanks to Newfmom (sharon), NewfDad (Art) and their son for driving a total of 8 hours to help with this rescue transport!



New member
Wow! Holly, Newfmom and dad and son! You guys are awesome! People like you who really help out with rescue make me smile and jump for joy like in the Toyota commercials..Way to go all of you!


New member
And a big thanks to MJ
for spending most of the day getting this all organized and giving me tips for our first transport.


Inactive Member
I can't thank everyone enough for breaking all these guys out, gettign them on the road, and the rescue stepping forward to take them.

And MM, for doing the horrendous set up work because I wa sin no mons land (ne cell, no nothing) attending aa funeral. We'll nominate you for sainthood, soon. <G>




New member
and Newfdad
(Sharon and Art) deserve an even bigger thanks!!

Due to freezing rain, the last two legs of this transport cancelled. After already driving three hours one way to pick up the puppies, Sharon and Art have volunteered to over night the puppies themselves and deliver them to the next person tomorrow evening.

This was a first transport for Sharon and Art, and now they are foster parents to boot!! Nothing like jumping right in!!!! :D

They have a very safe area where they can keep the unvaccinated pups away from Kimber, and I think they and their son are looking forward to the puppy breath and sleepless night they are likely to get

Thanks again Sharon and Art! You really saved this transport!!


PS. They said the pups look like fluffy little newfs even though they are lab mixes. White blazes on their chests too. They promised to post pictures as soon as they can!

[ 01-18-2004, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: alexmaddy ]


Inactive Member
Sharon and Art,

I cant' thank you enough. You have remained amazing flexible when what was supposed to be a straight forward 6 hour transport turned into a script of how many ways "straight forward" can get convoluted.




New member
Thanks guys for the compliments but twist my arm, make me spend time with puppies :D Pups are settled in, have had lunch and made the obligatory messes ;) Had a couple of play sessions interspersed with snoozes. They're active, alert, and seem happy and healthy. They alternate between puppy loviness and shy depending on what you want to do to them.

This evil woman put these wierd things on their necks (collars) and then we practiced braiding leashes (oh, that's playing). But she's OK because she has a long braid that's great for tug of war. And there's a boy here who has a great lap for climbing into.

I've got some great pics. I'm working on getting them uploaded to the picture site. More soon!


New member
Before I go on, I have to say what a wonderful man I married. He is always good to me, but he's been so great about this and I didn't even check with him before I volunteered us for this!

That said, are all enjoying the puppy visit. They're up again after a long nap and our son and NewfDad are playing with them. Kimber is somewhat miffed that she can't play too but I bought her off with oatmeal-raisin cookies

There are 2 fuzzy-coated puppies and one smooth coated puppy. The smooth-coated one looks like a black lab to me but he has a small white blaze on his chest and the tips of his back toes are white. One of the fuzzy-coated ones is pure black. The other fuzzy-coated one has a tiny spot of white in the center of it's chest.

They're going to the vets for shots tomorrow and I'll post more info on them after that.
Here's a link to a few photos. Enjoy!

Rescue puppies


New member

The pups are adorable! No wonder you wanted to keep them overnight!

I especially like pictures #2 where they are all looking up at you and picture #5 where they are all curled up together.

Bless you for all you have done, and now for taking on ANOTHER additional responsibility of getting them their shots.

Those pics are priceless. I'm so glad this has been such a positive experience for you so far.

Thanks again so much for your help and let us know how the vet visit goes. Those are pretty big pups! mj


New member
Ahhh you guys are the greatest! Sweet little puppies. Look like they will make someone very happy! Bless you guys really...Mj, your the best!
Brenda and Maggie and Leo