Update on terrior-sitting


Inactive Member
Well ed has adopted Ed as his master, while we cut wood he sits there and watches everything he does and goes around marking territory.Murphy was very happy to have a new friend in his house, but jake was not and to jake this was his house, toy, tree,grass,water,food everything and if Murphy got too close grrararraraargrrr and probably a snap in the face.The one fight really backed jake down right in front of our woodstove Murphy was trying to get by Jake ,who was playin with a toy so he decided to take a sniff, and snap!bark!!! and there goes Murphy up on his hind legs growling and barking, Jake really backed down since he relized what a big dog he his and Jake is a fair size too.The way Jake acts is adorable i'd love to have a couple, but they are very protective.And jake will tear a kitty to shreads, but thats how hes bred not to like cats.Unlike Newfs.When you are getting ready to take him for a walk he dances around and his ears flop back and forth.Well thats my Update, ohh and hes a very good lapdog, jumps right up when you say hup. :D :D


Inactive Member
---Just Mom------

Things are going very well with Jake here now. The "boys" have worked out the pecking order and things have calmed down considerably.

Very good thing too....my Mom called from Florida on Easter Sunday to tell me that the sailboat that Dad bought on Ebay wasn't quite ready to sail home yet. They have a diesel mechanic coming in to fix the engine.

I'm glad anyway, the North Atlantic can be very cruel at this time of year. I have had lots of reassurances that they would stay on the inland waterways and locks as far as they could, but that does not really ease my mind like she wants it to.....

But one thing is for sure.....if they haven't even started the boat yet, Murphy's "Uncle Jake" will be with us at least another 2 months. So my black silky monster-boy will have his little curly gundt-boy to play with for at least that long. I will get some pics and let Courtney post them. Gotta go back to bed now and curl up for the rest of the afternoon with the Murphy big boy. I love nights for that reason only....I haven't figured out a way to tell Ed that I want HIM to sleep in the crate at night....teeheee.....oops sorry Ed.



Inactive Member
Oooh, your title is scary. You are a brave soul to be terrier sitting. Glad it is not going badly for you



New member
Hey Kelly, sounds like both you and your parents are on quite an adventure. I'd love to hear more about the boat they bought on ebay and their plan for bringing it home. Where in FL are they right now? My hubby is taking a boat (power, in this case) from Ft. Lauderdale to Newport May 1-9 (hopefully, depending on weather). The good news about the trip up the coast is that there are a lot of places where you can go inside if the ocean's in an uproar....


Inactive Member
It is 1:24 AM and I have just been duped by the Airedale. He starts bugging and barking and pawing at me. I think, well OK if you really need to pee....
I got the door halfway open, and Jake bolted. Gone for at least 15 minutes. If it was a conspiracy, then Murphy got duped too, because he didn't make it past the doorstep when his leash brought up. It is raining and cold and icky out, and I did not want to be outside in my 'jammies for any reason, let alone to be searching for the dogs. He had been so good up until now... well the gig is up. Now there will be no doors opening until the leashing has been completed.

The sailboat they bought is in the boatyard right now having "minor" repairs done to her engine. They are in the south central area of Fla in an inland lake I think is called Okachobee.... not sure of the spelling. The name of the town starts with "Cle..." but I am too lazy to go get my 'Gator T-Shirt to remember the exact place...maybe it will come to me.... "Odaat" is a 32' Dreadnaught that my Dad found online and felt she needed a loving hand to return her to her previous glory. He may have taken some clue from her name though...Odaat is just an acronym for One day at a time, and it appears he may need that kind of patience just to get out to sea. I haven't heard from them since Easter Sunday, so they very well may be on their way now.
Godspeed, family

Just before my Mom left she gave me a true-crime novel to read called " And the Sea Will Tell", by Vincent Bugliosi. She loved the references to sailing in it. I love that she can overlook the double murder on an uninhabited south seas atoll in order to see the sailing references. I guess you just have to love sailing folk.

It sounds like a nice sail your hubby will be taking. The part I worry about is anywhere North of New York. It is just a case of worrying about the things I am familiar with, cold water, strong winds. I don't even think I have started to worry about those semi-tropical problems like sharks

Naw, it will be a terrific trip for them. I am glad to see my Dad living out his passion.

Oh, and just a sidenote....my daughter Jasmine turned 5 on April 12th, and I think I have what will be a true Newf- owner for life. Murphy stole an Easter candy out of her hand. She didn't even miss a beat, and reached inside that cavernous maw of his, retrieved the candy, examined the wrapper to make sure he didn't wreck it, took the plastic off it, and ate it. Then with a little candy coated finger pointed to the floor, ordered him to "GO LAY DOWN" which he did.

Have a great day everyone


Inactive Member
It is a sailboat, that it is pointy at both ends. There weren't a lot of them made, and the designer went on to make another line of boats called the Westsail, which are similar in design.

Exasperation today on the terrier front. Jake bit Jasmine today. She was trying to take back a treat he had stolen from her. It makes me sooo mad that a) I wasn't on top of things in that very moment to stop it. b)I haven't taught her enough respect for dogbites (Murphy is not a good example to put a healthy amount of respect of other peoples dogs) c)I am at a loss for what to do except contain Jake now and keep him away from the kids.

Damn schizo dogs. He is soooo good at times, and downright cute when it is time for his walk, he prances and dances with the lead in his mouth. What exactly were Airedales bred for anyway? I understand they are a hunting dog, but he's too big to go down a rabbit hole.



New member
Kelly ... thanks for filling me in.... Westsails are great sturdy boats that have proven themselves time and again. I'm not too familiar with dreadnaughts, but if it comes from the same Westsail pedigree that's a good sign.

Forgive me for asking a stupid question ... but is Jasmine one of your kids? Oh dear. What a nightmare. I hope she's ok.
I don't have any advice for you but I'm sorry this has taken a turn for the worse.


Inactive Member
Yep-Jazzy is the baby. She just turned 5 on the 12th. The bite is not terrible as bites go, but he did break the skin some, and I have let him know that he is a BAD DOG.

Weird though. Jazz just keeps on protecting him. She tells me it was her fault. She tells me Jake should be allowed to play with them. She tells me not to tell her Dad, 'cause he will be mad at Jake.

My little Elly-May Clampett.



New member
Boy, isn't it great that the bite didn't scare Jasmine off dogs altogether? I've seen that happen - one bad incident and that's that.
Sounds like she has a great love of animals already - hmmmm - wonder where she gets it???? ;)