Underwater Retrieve Article


New member
Question about the Underwater retrieve. I have a Splunky that is blue. I covered it in yellow (plain yellow, not reflective) tape. I plan to put some black stripes on it. Although nothing is stated in the rules about changing the color, is the allowed?


New member
The rules http://www.ncanewfs.org/working/water/pdfs/WTRegs2-2-12.pdf state:
"An underwater retrieve article that is no more than twelve (12) inches long and
four (4) inches tall. When submerged, it should extend no more than four (4)
inches from the bottom and should be weighted evenly so that it will sink
immediately. The underwater retrieve article may be painted or taped to increase
its visibility. Handers may provide a second underwater retrieve article but it must
be identical to the first article except in color. It may be used if the first article is
lost in the water but if a second article is used then the dog must retrieve the
second article."

It does say "may be painted or taped to increase it's visibility"


New member
I thought that may be the case but was concerned that covering the whole thing in yellow tape might be pushing it.

Thanx for the quick response!


New member
If concerned about taping the whole article like that email the working dog committee. Yes that is a rule change for this year. Instead of blue splunky there is a pink splunky can order thru dogworks.com.


New member
I began to have reservations about it and did order the pink splunky. Both Ursa and Loki love to chase the blue one all over the yard.