Training for WD Title


New member
This has probably been discussed in another thread, but I'm not sure what search terms to use. Can someone point me in the right direction?

We are doing water work with Bo, not super seriously, but we do think he could earn his WD with the right instruction and practice. He is great at bumper retrieve, take-a-line (out, but not swimming around victim), and retrieving a seat cushion already, without anything beyond some encouragement from us. We've tried working on having him swim out to "save" a drowning person, but he keeps trying to climb us. I hear this is common behavior for newbies and that it might help to work on it on land first, but we don't know WHAT exactly we should be teaching him on land in order to get him to swim in a circle around a person. Does direction matter? Are there hand signals for this?

Also, what are the rules for finishing each event - I mean, does it end when he drops the bumper at my feet? Do I need to ask him to "give" me the bumper, etc. in my hands, or does he just need to bring it fully out of the water?

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New member
If you haven't picked up a copy of Judi Adler's book, "Water Work, Water Play", highly recommend it as a resource.



Super Moderator
Read the rules and books. I can tell you the dog has to give you the bumper. So if he drops it he needs to know how to pick it up and give it to you. You are not allowed to be in the water except for the swim with handler. You can reach and get the item but not step into the water. I trained Samantha to bring it all the way onto the shore so in the test if she got excited I had some ground to work with.