

New member
Hi All,
You're driving down the highway in the high speed lane(doing the speed limit of course :rolleyes: )and in the rear view mirror you see the light's from a big tractor trailer bearing in on you. The slower speed lane is blocked with traffic so you can't move over and now the truck is a couple feet from your bumper and not backing off! What would you do?
We just returned home from a trip that included 4000 mile's of highway driving and this happened way too many time's in fact it happen's more often than not. It is un nerving!
Hey Zip any insight/advice?


Inactive Member
Speed up and get into the right lane real quick. . . that's what TURBO s for. . . .watch out for the idiots. my dad always said if someone makes one mistake, they will usually make one more very soon.

Greg L

New member
You shouldn't be driving in that lane in the first place (traffic density allowing) it is for passing. And you certainly shouldn't be doing the speed limit in that lane (or you might get (justifiably) shoved off the road. If you try that in Europe you will be ticketed for creating a hazard. Around here (out of the metro area) traffic in the left lane runs 75-90 (speed limit 65). If you are in that lane & doing 70 & there is a line of cars behind you or people are passing you on the right, the police will ticket you for driving too slow/creating a hazard even though you are breaking the limit.

If you're dumb enough to let a semi tailgate you then you are one quick tap of the brake away from becoming a statistic. They CAN'T stop/slow down as fast as you. You WILL be crushed (& if you live you will generally be found at fault).

If you don't like/can't handle driving fast then either stay in the right lane or take secondary roads.


New member
Most (not all) drivers are very curtious and just want to get to their destination.
They get ticked when, 4 wheelers go slow and speed up when the big rigs want to pass, when they sit beside the truck just to piss em off, when they jump in front and slam on their brakes, and when they cut across several lanes to cut and jump off at an exit, just to name a few.
With the new DOT regs they've cut their driving time a lot, and it's a whole lot more added stress.
Remember, big rigs can't stop on a dime, and they can't always see you. When a 4 wheeler and a truck wreck, 4 wheelers don't stand a chance.
I know of an accident involving a truck and car, the car darted across, he couldn't stop....the whole family was killed.



New member
I find it surprizing that there is any tolerance for any type of unsafe driving behavior. As i mentioned I travel extensively(always by car) and observe so many near accident's and wreckless/inattentive driving. Albeit not just big rig driver's but all manner of vehicle's.
I have no difficultiy with driving at an other than posted speed limit. 90-95 mph is not an uncommon speed in some place's which I am more than comfortable with remember I was a young man at one time ;) and over a hundred was not unusual
:eek: . My concern is that at time's you end up in the "passing lane" (we all know that though this is supposed to be for passing only more than not it is used for travel also)and traffic condition's nescessitate that you remain there. One skill that I make the effort to use is driving ahead paying attention to traffic flow and pattern's. This allow's for more response time with sudden change's rather than being reactionary.
If I were a pilot flying a big plane I do not think it would be safe to "tailgate the bird in front of me that is in the landing you? We know that those big rig's do not respond to braking like smaller vehicle's do and I think they should be driven in a manner that keep's both the driver of the truck and those in smaller vehicle's safe. Of course the same goes for small vehicle's too.
Fascinating that one can justifiably be endangered for the sake of commerce...though I guess that people are hurting each other on a daily basis for the sake of green (not tree's) to bad we have become complacent/and content with it.
My observation's as a former N.A.S.C.A.R driver are that a lot of folk's drive like a herd just following the leader. I think when we begin to drive(live)conciously thing's will become safer for all of us and our children.....
Thank's for listening to me rant.
ps. NASCAR-not alway's safe cruising and riding


New member
Up here in Canada, the big rigs aren't allowed in the fast lane. They are only allowed in the centre lane, and Lord help you if you're not going fast enough for them in that lane. :eek:


New member
Years ago I would have sat in that lane doing exactly the speed limit and felt my blood pressure rise.

These days I'd put my blinker on signalling that I was making an attempt to get into the right lane ASAP.

What changed? Well, my age, for one probably. But also I lived in New Zealand for a time and there just isn't road rage there (or at least I didn't experience it). In fact, I beeped at someone one down there and about three drivers looked at me like "what in the world are you doing beeping?" Everyone lets everyone in ... even if it's a creep who waited until the last possible moment to change lanes when there were signs for the last 5 miles that one lane was ending.

Driving (and living), I've discovered is a LOT more enjoyable when you just BE NICE! And when someone gets mad at me on the road I just smile and wave. OK ... well sometimes that infuriates them more, but I think sometimes it gives them pause to realize that hey ... it can be a lot easier to be nice.


New member
I drive 25 miles on the interstate to work, five days a week. I don't live in a large metropolitan area but our town is large enough to see plenty of nasty accidents, traffic jams and close calls on our interstates.

I think the one that really cracks me up is watching the whiz driver who rushes through traffic. You know, the one who weaves in and out of traffic, changing lanes and cutting people off. And then when I take my exit and have to stop at the light, guess who is sitting next to me or in front of me......Yeah you got it, Mr Speed Demon. Sure made a lot of progress didn't he. Would sure like to match blood pressures with that driver. :D

I'm with you Sailorgirl. Driving is so much more enjoyable done with a NICE attitude. And sometimes driving nice becomes contagious with other drivers. Of course you will always have the rude drivers. And they drive all different kinds of vehicles. :(

PS...I do find that I drive faster listening to Queen than when I listen to my classical music. Do you think the type of music we listen to could affect how we drive?????? :confused:


Inactive Member
Hi all,

Just had to share on this. We've been in Germany six weeks and are STILL freaking out over the roads. The trucks here are in the slow lane - there's no way they could get those babies up to speed :D

We were going 200km/hr on the Autobahn in Bavaria last weekend and got overtaken by TWO minivans!!! Stefan was most upset, I think his manhood was threatened over it... ;) :D

As to the music, I am definitely a nicer driver when I have Josh Groban on - I'm then happy to stay in the car for hours if necessary and don't care. If I forget to take the CD with me and have to listen to German radio, I definitely become more agressive! :D I'm sure this happens to everyone though???

Congrats Hawk, on getting home safe!!



New member
i am with you! i used to be a speed demon, now i have changed, and yes it is funny when that speedy demon is alongside you at the stoplight



New member
A few comments here.
My mom is german, when my folks are in Germany visiting and my uncle Wolfe is driving. No one wants to sit in the front seat. even his wife,my Tante Eva is telling my dad.. no no you are the man you should be in front. this is not a submissive woman. my dad saying no no, you are his wife you should sit if front. my father, he is no fool.
Driving on the highway my own policy. stay in the right lane doing very close to the speed limit my eyes a head and minding my own business. if people are in a hurry they can pass me.
Trucks? So sorry sir didnt mean to bother you please go ahead.
Trucks who are jerks? So sorry sir did not mean to bother you and oh yeah... the name on your cab is and your license plate is? and 911 is...
Have a nice day (as I pass you on the road while you speak to that nice officer) No officer available? i'll call your home office. your truck number is usually on the back of your truck right above the sign that says how is my driving?