Top ten ways to tell if you really like K-9 SAR


New member
10) You begin to think of ticks as fellow searchers.
9) You sleep with your pager.
8) You shower with your pager.
7) You just spent your entire vacation slipping down hillsides, getting slapped in the face by poison oak, and scratched by brush; and this was your idea of fun.
6) You have your vehicle, dog and gear ready at all times, but you can't locate your work clothes.
5) You spend working hours fantasizing how you can become independently wealthy so you can search all the time.
4) When someone talks about 'searching the internet' you ask "did they call a dog-team?"
3) More of your co-workers know the name of your dog than know the name of your spouse.
2) Your Christmas list includes: an ammo box (for cadaver), 14 gauge wire (for your SAR-Tech II 24-hour pack), and a "super-screamer" whistle.
1) Your dog dances all around at the sight of your backpack, and you join him.
