Too much time on my hands


New member
I'm bored silly. As a matter of fact It's 1:01 and I'm still in my pjs. Hubby is in Florida and Owen is gone for the show. (kids are all out of the house now) I don't know what to do with myself! It's just me and the cat! (Too quiet!)


New member
I am just taking my next 45 min to rest and relax because it is going to be a very very busy day here!

I don't get many days to sit and relax much. Count yourself lucky!

But then I would not know what to do with myself if I did. I think I like it hectic.


New member
Same here.... :D
The house is empty this morning, except for the critters and myself. Already took the newfies outside and they're all played out. They're napping (spread across the kitchen floor, as newfies do best!)


New member
Okay, you're all invited to my house to help with the to do list if you'd like. It's all outside stuff and the weather is great! See you all at, say, 2:00?


New member
Thanks for the offer Leslie but I guess I'll pass.

I'm headed out. Driving to my stepson's house in NY to spend the night.(5 hour drive) I'll get up early to watch the show tomorrow, then pick Owen up and will be home tomorrow night.

Greg L

New member
Tie a piece of string to the cat's tail. That is usually good for a couple of hours of entertainment :D .


New member
No Greg, that's only a few minutes. Ya gotta scotch tape the bottom of the front right and back left paw....

[ 11-14-2004, 01:04 AM: Message edited by: Leslie ]