This is how we do it


New member
Bedtime in the boys room, notice i said Boys Room, .. That is the positions taken from the time flynn goes to bed till he wakes up, Tane will come get me to say flynn is awake "lets go play"
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New member
Im guessing someone will ask if Tane gets up on the bed and short answer is no... When we first got tane he was taught no couch/bed etc etc.. we kinda regret that now as we love having big family cuddles... HOW_EVER when we leave the house and forget something and have to rush back inside we quite often catch his lord-ship fully lounged out on our/flynns bed and he gives you the look of "Oh Shux ive been caught" and then tries to make out you havnt seen him ... it really is hilarious...


Ridiculously sweet! What a lucky boy Flynn is!
Love how Tane only gets on the furniture when you're not there.....too funny.