The Anti-Bush thread

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Well, I was going to send a blank post to the other thread. You know, if you can't say anything nice and all that. So thanks for starting this thread. I agree, good bye and good riddance.
I never once that felt he was an honest or compassionate man. There was just always something sinister going on behind those eyes. Yet, I couldn't help feeling somewhat sorry for him.
Tuesday was a new beginning for our country in many many ways.


New member
One of my favorite line's from Bugs Bunny....GOOD RIDDANCE TO BAD RUBBISH...

I never get involved in political stuff, but must say that Bush was an embarrasement to this country...

Oh yeah, and Dick...Sorry you pulled that muscle in your back the other night, but you sure looked fine hopping from the wheelchair into that limo....GOOD RIDDANCE TO EVEN BIGGER BADDER RUBBISH...


New member
Afraid my thoughts about Cheney and Company..are fairly unprintable...I do however..believe that time..and further investigations..will show how much of what George was 'about' actuality..what Dick..planned and executed. I sincerely doubt that what happened in public statements and news releases..ever showed us..anything of consequence..created by..George. ina n HB n Kesa


New member
I love this...But the "other side" needs to check out a documentary film by Spike Lee. It is about those who live in our country and the effects of Katrena. It will show the true mentality of said former administration. "Honey, Where's my shoes"!!!


New member
Afraid my thoughts about Cheney and Company..are fairly unprintable...I do however..believe that time..and further investigations..will show how much of what George was 'about' actuality..what Dick..planned and executed. I sincerely doubt that what happened in public statements and news releases..ever showed us..anything of consequence..created by..George. ina n HB n Kesa
I totally agree...Cheney was behind many many of the bad bad bad decisions that went on in this administration. He may have disappeared somewhat in the second 4 years but he was far from gone. I personally think he should be indicted and thrown in jail - along with Karl Rove, and Wolfewitz. But for now I'm just glad they are all out of power - until they all become lobbyists.


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And the huge problem with Clinton was that he lied about having sex???

In comparison to the dearly departed administration, Nixon doesn't seem all that bad.

My God, what am I saying.....


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I think time will tell...and time will tell what the new administration is about...just as it always is a hard job folks...who would want it anyway.


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The "change" takes place every 4 years or every 8 years. No more and no less. Each time the "change" takes place there are always those who clamor loudest that the "change" is exactly what they wanted and exactly what they needed. When the Cinderella effect grows dim and the "change" doesn't look quite as good as it did in the beginning then those who clamored loudest suddenly grow silent.
We all wish for the "silence" when its our turn.
I wish you all well and I hope that you get everything you are hoping for.


New member
Each time that "change" takes place, there are always those who are reluctant and/or scared of change. Not changing just feels safe to some, while others embrace it.
There are 2 sides to every coin. ;)
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New member
The "change" takes place every 4 years or every 8 years. No more and no less. Each time the "change" takes place there are always those who clamor loudest that the "change" is exactly what they wanted and exactly what they needed. When the Cinderella effect grows dim and the "change" doesn't look quite as good as it did in the beginning then those who clamored loudest suddenly grow silent.
We all wish for the "silence" when its our turn.
I wish you all well and I hope that you get everything you are hoping for.
I can say I don't agree.. I knew Bush was going to be a disaster from the beginning, just from the people he surrounded himself with. Sadly to say, he performed to my expectations.


New member
I am also glad to see him go - for the sake of our country, the sake our planet and so I don't have to hear my husband complain everytime our president's voice comes over the airwaves. There was some happy dancing happening and tears of joy shed at our home on Tuesday :)


New member
Each time that "change" takes place, there are always those who are reluctant and/or scared of change. Not changing just feels safe to some, while others embrace it.
There are 2 sides to every coin. ;)
Quite the contrary. The only thing I fear are those who wish this nation harm. Other than that I fear nothing. I'm pretty secure in my own person.
I have said all along in each thread that I wish this nation well and I wish the Dems well. It serves me no purpose to trash anyone regardless of which side of the aisle their political beliefs lie. I'm a little better than that. It's perfectly acceptable to tout your beliefs. I do.
I've never surrounded myself with the familiar and refused to accept change. I embrace all sorts of changing things. It will just take me a while to embrace this particular change IF and WHEN its warranted. That is my choice just as your choices are yours.
Regardless of where you sit its a pretty damn nice thing to have that choice.


New member
I wasn't saying that you specifically are scared of change, as I'm sure you weren't directing your post at any one person. I was just saying that while you see one side of the coin (people clamoring), I can see there is also another side to that same coin. :)


New member
Well, I am all for this change. Maybe we can stop wasting lives and money fighting a war that we NEVER NEVER NEVER should have started.
It makes no sense to waste Billions of dollars every month in an oil rich country while people in this country are losing their jobs, losing their houses, losing their retirement savings, etc. The war has not made us any safer and has only served as a rallying point for many of those governments and organizations who wish us harm.
We need leaders that have new ideas, leaders that inspire confidence, leaders that tell us the truth, leaders that protect our rights. Oh, don't get me started on losing our rights via the un-patriot act.


New member
I wasn't saying that you specifically are scared of change, as I'm sure you weren't directing your post at any one person. I was just saying that while you see one side of the coin (people clamoring), I can see there is also another side to that same coin. :)
Aha!! Gotcha..I think maybe I did think it was directed at me. Sorry...
You see? We all really are a pssionate bunch aren't we?
Everyone needs to know that I type with a smile and not with gritted teeth. Its so hard to "read" expression. It really is all in good fun to me. reply..
I AGREE (gasp) that there are the hard core conservatives who are so afraid of anything new. Yep... and I think if you take time to look and listen you'll find that not all of us are that far right that we can't think freely. I'm a pretty free thinking individual. No one thinks FOR me.


New member
I'd just love to feel like I had some idea of what the heck was happening in the governing of our country. Hopefully Obama's pledge for transparent leadership will be more than just lip service. There were tears shed here on Tuesday also.

Even the folks who hate him must admit he's a darned fine orator. He could read the phone book and I'd be listening.
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