The adventures of Cooper Newf!


New member
Hi! I'm Cooper Newf and I'd like to tell you about the crazy day I had yesterday. First thing in the morning I decided to relieve myself in my mom and dad's bathroom. It seemed like a really good idea at the time. It was raining outside after all. But then mom made some really angry noises and wagged her finger at me and gave me a "time out" on the front porch! Whatever??!!

Well, time out wasn't so bad. I got a visit from my friend Oscar. He's the man who adopted my brother Riley. Riley wasn't happy here because he always wished he could be bigger than me and our big brother, Big Fella. Oscar came and told me and mom about how Riley is best friends with 2 GOATS!! I always knew that guy had some screws loose and now this confirms it!! Oscar says Riley is very happy though so that's good for him. I guess. Then mom told Oscar that I was waiting for the groomer to come because I stink!

Now let me tell you about this stink of mine. I had been working on it for a little while now and it was just about what I'd call perfect! You know, a stink you can be proud of. Well, when that grooming truck pulled up I knew I'd have to take some desperate measures to try and save my stink! The timing was perfect! Mom wanted dad to help get me into the grooming truck but he had been playing in the mud and got his golf cart stuck in it (dad's so cool!) So, that meant mom and Jessica the Groomer had me all by theirself. Hehe!! I made a break for it and ran!! I got all the way down to the lake, but then I realized they were chasing after me. Mom yelled, "Don't you do it Cooper!!" and she gave me the fantastic idea to jump in the lake and swim with the ducks!! Well, those dumb ducks left me there so I had to haul myself out of the lake and wouldn't you know, there was mom and Jessica waiting when I got out. Darn. Well, the stink was fun while it lasted. In one last hurrah I made sure Jessica knew what it was like to have a bath.

I got all cleaned up. Now mom keeps telling me how gorgeous I am and I smell (gag) fresh and (choke) clean. She even sanitized my bed in the washing machine. That stink is gone, gone, gone!! My fun wasn't over though. My little bitty mom stood over me to put my collar on and I stood up and took her for a ride! I couldn't tell if she was laughing or screaming though so I put her down. Then dad gave me a new football and we went out and tossed it around for a while. I'd have to say my three favorite things are football, swimming and that wonderful stink I had to bid farewell to. It was a pretty good day all in all. The stink may be gone but at least mom huggs me back now instead of running away and yelling "Don't touch me, you stink!!"

I love my mom and dad. I hope we have lots of more days just like this one!


Active member
Wow, That Cooper is truly amazing. I didn't know that "STINK" was an Art Form in the Doggie world. Guess Cooper will have to use his creative side to recapture that aroma. :!rolling::LMAO::!rolling:


New member

Thank you for starting my morning with a laugh...
Don't worry Cooper, the stink will come back and you and you mom can have another fun day.

luvxl k 9

New member
Gunny's you're gonna have to travel a ways to play football with him. Maybe Mom will let us play some football with you when we see you next month.
Cooper bud, try being a show dog. Everytime you start getting even a smidgen of a good stink going it's time for another bath and she has it all set up in the garage so I don't even get the excitement of having someone new to shower!!! Ahhh well, at least I do get to meet a lot of you guys and GALS :allg069: Not that I'm biased or anything. :icon_redface:

Susan Ferree

New member
Oh my god, now that I have cleaned my chocolate chip cookie from my computer screen, and nearly choked to death reading Cooper's story....RIFLMAO!!!!!!! Cooper sorry about loosing that fine stink you were working on. Its no wonder the ducks left you by yourself in the pond, they didn't want to share your fine odor. Too bad for them.

KS Newf

New member
I love Cooper, too, and I am quite familiar with his favorite, carefully honed stink! All of us who own these big doofuses know that big dog stink - and don't they love it! His adventures were ever so lively and entertaining - so thanks for the smiles!


New member
Cooper's thing is he's a big hugger and his hugs are soooo much sweeter minus the stink. I love my big Cooper Duper!!