Tea Tree Oil


New member
Again, the TTO subject. An organization called "Crop Watch" is keeping an eye on Tree Tree oil. It appears the European Commission is evaluating the toxicity of TTO. It goes much deeper than this.

I'm bringing this up, because I know some of us use TTO with our pets, our cleaning, and other areas of use.

They have a survey taking place and a letter of interest that went to the European Commission.

Seems to be a lot of essential oil users, holistic individuals, and those who use holistic vets on this list. I thought some of you and people you know may be interested.

The link is below and if you scroll all the way to the right, you will find the TTO information. They have more on the site, but you have to look around.

I can't speak for the validity of Cropwatch. However, it is one form of information that can provide a great deal of information about essential oils we use.




New member
About tea tree oil and my experience with it. I had a young bitch, about three, who had a hot spot on her rear. I dropped some drop of tto on it. By night fall she was seizing and paralyzed. Rushed her to vet who gave her a lot of valium, and we washed her off carefully I tried to get info on it as it was happening. I reached NOW who bottled the stuff and they started giving mevry hard time..like where did your vet go to schoo. Finally I reached the man who grows the trees, an Australian in California who said, Yes, that happens. It usually is less tragic than dramatic.: He paid my vet bills. He was lucky I didnt sue him. Ishtar recovered the next day..I don't think I did as quickly. BUt, let me tell you, it went right to her brain and it was very dangerous to have a dog going down the tubes like that However, Ishtar survived of course to go on to great things. I find tree oils dangerous in general. One other woman had a newfie who had penny something oil. She seized then and she continued with seizures the rest of her life.


New member
This is exactly the type of experience that needs to be recorded. I'm so glad she pulled out of it.

Some have excellent experiences, but it only takes once to make it a bad experience. Some people and animals are far more sensitive. I am hoping that pretty soon some information is pulled together to give a standing on what is going on.

More communication needs to happen. I think a seperate database or information center needs to exist just for animals.

Maybe the essential oil you are thinking of is Pennyroyal? It too is very potent. Used a lot in bug/mosquito deterent.

At the very least, I feel that those who use or sell animal products containing essential oils that have had side effects, they need to state on the label to watch for side effects. At the very least. People need to understand that using some essential oils neat (full stregnth) is dangerous.

Alternatives to potent essential oils can be used and this needs to be addressed.


Newfs Forever

New member
Thanks Robin,

It's always good to be aware of these things. I have used TTO as a spritz to control mosquitoes. However, I have always used it very diluted, something like 4 - 5 drops in 16 oz. water.


New member
I knew about TeaTree oil
There are shampoos and conditioners on thr market with this ingredient in it.
I always ask for ingredients before I use a new product.


New member
For what it's worth Tea Tree Oil is used here to preserve wood floors if u don't want to use lac, as in a cabin. It's posion and says so right on the lable, not sure if tea tree oil has the same warning in the USA.


New member
Nasus, there are different types of extractions with different parts of Tea Tree. Essential oils is what this is based on. This is aimed toward therapeutic use which is a very very very weak portion of the essential oil.

So it's not the same thing since that is a floor cleaner.

Many shampoos are made with a weak version of tea tree extract and they are incredibly useful. It's also highly useful as a spray to deter and as a non-toxic cleaner. Depending on how it is used.

This is why it needs to be pinpointed as to what exactly is going on. Tea Tree has been used therapeutically for a long time without incident. So it definately needs to be evaluated. We also need to be aware that just because we can use it doesn't mean our pets can. Like onions!

Bottom line though, no matter what is used, even if it is natural, it can pose a major allergy for any one or animal at any time. So can non-natural products!

I'll let you know if anything comes through regarding this.



New member
I too will post my bad experience with tea tree oil. just for informational purposes. See below my post from another thread.

I've personally had a terrible reaction with Tea Tree Oil and Clyde....he had a rash on his testicles and my grandmother uses tea tree for everything, I use it for alot as well. My husband only heard what to use, not the "concentration" to use it in, he rolled over Clyde and just splashed it on full strength, by morning, he was stiff as a board, could barely walk, almost seemed paralyzed, hubby figured right away it was the tea tree and we called poison control. Poison control states it can be extremely toxic if not diluted. It affects the central nervous system (and quickly when absorbed through the skin). He told us that our only option was to wait it out and hope for the best. By the next day he had returned to normal but it was really scary and our lesson has definitely been learned. I always keep a spray bottle of tea tree/alcohol around for cuts or scrapes or whatever and it works wonderfully but use EXTREME caution as to the concentration. I always mix 1% tea tree to whatever I'm putting it into.

Henrys Mom

New member
Well, I will post my positive experience about Tea Tree Oil. I use the oil from a company called Melaleuca. This is one of the companies that uses the highest grade of tea tree oil. It comes from New South Wales. The tea tree plant grown in Florida is toxic. but not the one grown in NSW. I use the oil to control fleas which it does and also to bathe him in. I do not use it on my cat, but have never had a problem with Henry and will continue to use it on him...but only the kind I get from Melaleuca.

So, that's my story.


New member
Sally I use Melaleuca too...
I am confused as to what we are talking about here...I thought tea tree oil was tea tree oil...What is toxic and what is not?


New member
I will add that the oil I use is also Melaleuca, coming from the Australian tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia)...it is just commonly refered to as plain tea tree oil....this in fact was what I had the problem with. I still recommend its use, but I advise great caution as to the dilution on pets. If it could put my 150lb horse absolutely on its back barely able to move I certainly advise caution, he's used it since diluted and never had a problem. I'm positive it was the concentration that was the issue.


New member
It can be confusing. It's nice to have a conversation about this.

"The complete Guide to Aromatherapy" Salvatore Battaglia. 1997.

Melaleuca alternifolia
Tea tree is a general name given to all members of the Melaleuca family.



New member
I believe that the companies are posting on their product about a possile allergetic reaction to teae tree oil
I am not taking a chance


New member
The Australioan version, a few drops, is what paralyzed my dog. And I have a sneaking suspicion that white dogs or white patches are more susceptible. I've just asked around about this and heard other people say it as well. While we are on oils, flax seed oil by the way, although a nice anti oxidant, is no other than linseed oil. And it is a phytoestrogen which, in the body turns into an estrogen and really messes up hormonal timing. Take a look on the internet for that information. That's how we found out. Three breeders, I among them, had bitches who did not come into season....as soon as we stopped the flaxseed oil (which was in the food or the supplements to the food) bingo. Sometimes there is just no free lunch. Anyway, if you saw the words linseed oil on your dogs food you probably would not feed it to him.