Swifer-Wet Jet Danger


Inactive Member
permission to cross post please. This was on another group and I
thought it needed to be passed around

> I recently had a neighbor who had to have their 5-year old German
> Shepherd dog put down due to liver failure. The dog was completely
> healthy until a few weeks ago, so they had a necropsy done to see
> the cause was. The liver levels were unbelievable, as if the dog had
> ingested poison of some kind. The dog is kept inside, and when he's
> outside, someone's with him, so the idea of him getting into
> unknown was hard to believe. My neighbor started going through all
> items in the house. When he got to the Swiffer Wetjet, he noticed,
> very tiny print, a warning which stated "may be harmful to small
> children and animals." He called the company to ask what the
contents of
> the cleaning agent are and was astounded to find out that
antifreeze is
> one of the ingredients. (actually he was told it's a compound which
> one molecule away from anitfreeze).
> Therefore, just by the dog walking on the floor cleaned with the
> solution, then licking it's own paws, and the dog eating from its
> which were kept on the kitchen floor cleaned with this product, it
> ingested enough of the solution to destroy its liver.
> Soon after his dog's death, his housekeepers' two cats also died of
> liver failure. They both used the Swiffer Wetjet for quick cleanups
> their floors. Necropsies weren't done on the cats, so they couldn't
> a lawsuit, but he asked that we spread the word to as many people as
> possible so they don't lose their animals.

[ 05-10-2004, 11:48 PM: Message edited by: Softpaws ]


Inactive Member
Thanks guys, I was worried when I saw this because I use this product and really like it. I was wondering if it contained such a harmful chemical then why would it be marketed?
Sorry I was being my gullible self...

[ 05-10-2004, 07:39 PM: Message edited by: Softpaws ]
Someone had this on the fridge at work and I was wondering if it was a hoax. It made me think of the email that went around a few years ago about Fabreeze.


New member
I hope so, I use that stuff all the time. Remember when that febreeze stuff first came out? Was it true that it caused seizures in animals or was that a hoax as well.


New member
There's a site where you can look up things like this. It lists internet hoaxes. So if you see something that concerns you and you want to check to see if it's being passed around as a scare tactic, just go here:


Another one making the rounds (again) is the one about terrorists buying UPS uniforms off of Ebay.

Why do people waste their time doing things like this?

[ 05-10-2004, 09:52 PM: Message edited by: Ardeagold ]


New member
Glad its a hoax, I was about to toss all my swiffer stuff in the bin!
These hoaxes are so ridiculous, don't the people who start them have anything better to do? I am a wee bit on the gullible side and I am always looking at ingredients etc to make sure my fur-babies aren't exposed to anything harmful. This kind of thing I would believe, and it would send me into a panic because I use the swiffer. It is just mean.


New member
Thanks for the link Ardeagold. These hoaxes make me so mad.
They say the febrezze one IS a hoax.
I just read the one about aspartame causing Lupus and MS. I am shaking it makes me so angry. I have Lupus and am asymtomatic, and it has nothing to do with my ingestion or lack there of artifical sweeteners. When I was first diagnosed there was so much false information out there I thought I had been handed a death sentance. So much of it is just plain false and was really hard to deal with in conjuction with an allready scary diagnosis and treatment plan. Ugh I would love to find the jacka$$ who started this one and give him/her a piece of my mind......

Henrys Mom

New member
I agree that these hoaxs that circulate are terrible. However, there are many harmful chemicals in a lot of our everyday cleaning supplies. They may not kill an animal or a person, but they can potentially make you sick. A lot of household cleaning products have known carcinogens in them. The FDA approves these products because in small doses they may not harm you, but over the course of using them you could potentially have problems. I have completely rid my house of toxic chemicals so I never fear of harming my kids or my dog.

Sallie and Henry


New member
Sallie you are so right. My Khiori-pup was epilectic (acquired or idiopathic - I don't know). She was hyper sensitive to chemicals and they pushed her into seizures. Perfumes, bug sprays, heartgard, Febreeze (which was the cause of one of her worst absense seizures lasting three days), and so on. When she was alive I found that hot water goes a long way toward cleaning. Even now, I tend to avoid heavily scented products and start to panic if the dogs look 'funny' after using anything new. I guess that part will never really go away.


New member
I agree that chemicals just keep piling up around our homes. Vinegar and water works wonders on a lot of things, especially tile floors and windows.

Has anybody gotten one of those steam cleaners that uses heated water only (no chemicals) to clean things? We purchased one, and it does blast dirt away...it's really neat! It's called Super Shark II...and has many attachments for different uses.

You're welcome Roisin...that's just one of many such sites, but any of them is good to check up on things occassionally!