Super Bowl snacks?


Inactive Member
Hi! I snapped these pictures tonight and I thought I would share them. Here are pictures of Ozzy and Zoe during the Super Bowl. They weren't really interested in the game... they found the peanut butter in their Kongs to be much more entertaining!!

Thanks for letting me share!

BTW, the second picture is of Zoe (almost 6 months) and the last picture is of Ozzy (17 months)



Inactive Member
Oh my gosh, I can SO picture what Nani will look like when she's full-grown. She hooks her paw around her kong just like Zoe does!
Such beautiful babies you have...


"To err is human.
To forgive, canine."


Inactive Member
They are gorgeous!
Thanks for sharing!!

A tribute to his Newfoundland:
"... beauty without vanity
strength without insolence
courage without ferocity
and all the virtues of man without his vices"
- Lord Byron, 1808


Inactive Member

LOL.... Hee hee hee! Thanks for the comments on the rug. When we were shopping for a large area rug, I was looking for something that would hide the dog hair and dirt. We were planning on spending $hundreds$ and I couldn't find anything that was "forgiving" enough for dog hair, etc. When I saw this rug, it was only $99 and it served the purpose perfectly!! After that we found pillows, throws, etc. to match the pattern. It works perfectly in our dog/family room! I chuckle because I never thought in a million years that I would come home with a leopard skin pattern!

Thanks for your kind comments!

Sara with Ozzy and Zoe