Suggestions for Elderly Newf


New member
Approximately what age do you consider your newf elderly? How about if they have moderate SAS? Does this change the situation?

Any particular changes you make with dietary habits?

Thanks for the info!



Super Moderator
I have had two newfs leve to be 13 or older. The one changed her eating and that was because I'd feed her anything to get her to eat. The other ate like a horse even on the day we helped her cross the bridge.

Newfs are considered senior around 7-8. My 11 1/2 yr old still goes like crazy, a bit slower but still as onery as ever. I think elderly should be considered with each individual newf.

SAS can certainly have an effect on the longevity of life

Peter Maniate

New member
I've been told by cardiologists that SAS with a grade 1 or 2 murmur should not affect longevity or general health in any way. A grade 3 murmur probably won't either.

Most otherwise healthy Newfs start to get arthritis between eight and 10 years of age. Usual first sign is slight difficulty getting up followed by a stiffness in their walk for a moment but then quickly walked off. There are various supplements you can give to help relieve the arthritis.

If a Newf gets to senior status and has no obvious physical issues, then cancer becomes the fear. To help prevent cancer I strongly recommend supplementing with sockeye salmon oil. The dose should be six capsules a day or even better, one or two teaspoons of the unrefined liquid form. Initially I started all my Newfs at six years of age but now I am so paranoid I begin the sockeye oil at 15 months. This is also a good supplement to support both heart and joints. I have an 11 year old that I co-own who still has not developed arthritis and is often mistaken for a puppy when people see her run with her house mates; Mary is currently on two teaspoons (10 ml) of sockeye salmon oil per day.


New member
Its a grade 3 murmer but the SAS is moderate to severe according to the cardio. This was 7 years ago. I do give bryce sockeye oil and have for some time.

I worry, of course, and want to provide him with senior care if the care does change. I guess I don't know what to expect now that he is a senior. I spent so much time focusing on puppyhood, that now I am trying to gear into senior mode.

Sometimes he has problems moving about, but not a lot. Still Bryce spunky, although he has never been a real spunky newf after the age of three. He's had a bit of trama in his life, or what I would call emotional trama of losing loved ones and lifestyle change. So I worry that might put extra strain on his heart issue.

Thanks for the responses. I am very interested to hear how "senior" newfs are cared for and what to expect.


New member
Like Peter, I don't consider mine as seniors at 7...I start to think of them that way at about 9, and then only if they are ACTING like seniors. Sometimes I am totally surprised when I stop and this dog really be that old? I don't make any real changes UNLESS they need changes made, and then I do my best to accomodate one that is 13.5 years old has non slip mats around to help her get up if she is struggling at all, but did not really need them much until the last year or so, and even now, she doesn't need them much in the summer. Ice is the enemy around here! We also know now that we have to make a sharp noise to get her attention if we want her to move, because her hearing is not great. I also find that she can be a bit forgetful, so make SURE that she has done her nightly potty routine or she may not make it through the night. The only alteration I have made to her diet (raw fed her whole life) is to reduce the amount because she is less active. She also now sleeps on a folded featherbed instead of a heavy folded blanket...thanks to her Aunty giving it to her. That seems to make her a bit perkier in the morning, as she doesn't have any "numb" spots. She seemed to have trouble staying on her foam mattress, and would roll off it when she fell asleep. The featherbed hugs her and she stays in the middle. Like a senior human can be...she is "quirky", but she is happy and in no apparent pain, and as long as she stays that way, we are happy too. She is currently on no medications at all, not even for arthritis, although she does have spondylosis and is somewhat neurological in her movement I've also clipped her coat down to about 1 inch long she detests grooming now as her skin seems thinner, and she doesn't need to deal with that. Her coat is very dense and wooly as she turns gray. There is a certain type of beauty in watching her age..and knowing that even though she is limited in her abilities...she is still loving life.


New member
Echo is 10-1/2 and we started thinking of her as a senior at about 9. Each dog is different. She has a few health issues, but nothing major, unless you consider two blown knees and three types of cataracts major, but she's had the cataracts all her life and nobody but me has ever noticed it - and the eye specialist. Only things we have changed is the slling she used to walk (we can't let her run), she has a memory foam bed which she loves, and I cut her hair down to about 1-2 inches which makes her feel better - who cares what she looks like at this point. She eats what she has always eaten and does what she has always done. We do keep her as thin as possible, which has helped a lot. Welcome, to NN. You will find a wealth of info here and even more support.


Super Moderator
Gracie is 9 yr and 7mths and definately slowed down since last winter. She sleeps more and takes longer to "get going" when she wakes up.
Haven't changed her diet, she is on Orijen Fish 6 - 2 cups a day.
I try to keep her this weekend when she earned her Rally Excellent title!!!!!!!!
She gets Glucosamine and Salmon Oil capsules daily.
If she seems stiff I give her a couple of Arnica pills.


New member
Angela, is that the homeopathic arnica? Let me rephrase that silly question (since there are only two ways to its usage type duh!) What stregnth do you use?