Speaking of drool....


New member
We met a woman who had minor surgery done on her newfs' jowels so that they wouldn't drool anymore. Just a nip/tuck at the jowels that allowed the drool to drain back into their throats instead of sliding down their chins. We had never heard of this before and to be honest, was somewhat enticed by it at first (wha??? we wouldn't have to clean slobbers off of the ceiling anymore???). But, wonder if it's humane and completely unecessary--similar to declawing cats or docking tails. Besides, I think we would look at Yogi and think, hmmmm something's just not right...Any thoughts on this?

[ 02-05-2004, 10:48 AM: Message edited by: Yogurt ]

Taylor's mom

New member
I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!!!!! I don't believe in declawing cats AT ALL :mad: (that's a completely different story) and if God intended for Newfs to drool so be it! If they didn't want a true Newf in all ways why did they get one???


New member
Amen to all previous posts! Boy, this subject really sets me off. :mad: Good for you Giddy, leaving Chance his ears and tail!


New member
Sound to me this person had more money than brains. She seem to have a newf for the status rather then for the love of the breed. If you truely love a breed (any breed) you love it for it's great qualities and are willing to except those that are less appealing. If not, get a stuffed animal.



New member
All I can say is I agree with all of the above. Besides Boagie would be so sad if she couldnt fling the floogers any more


New member
Giddy, you said it!!! I agree with everyone. We have a responsibility to the creatures of this earth for their care and comfort, but not to alter their appearance based on our whims. My ma-in-law has a beautiful Great Dane she adopted at 2 years old. Her previous owners had her ears cropped but whoever did it screwed one up so it is quite deformed looking now. It makes me wonder if vanity wasn't a reason that the poor dog was surrendered. ( though glad she was cause she is treated like a queen now) It is so symptomatic of our society today. i just saw a preview for a show about young adults getting massive plastic surgery to look like their favourite movie star.....so sad. and anyhow, drool is cool :D

sorry for the rant, I am sure there are loads of dog lovers out there who have their pups ears/tails etc cropped and I meant no offense to them, this no drool surgery though, that is, in my opinion, absolutely wrong.

[ 02-05-2004, 03:36 PM: Message edited by: Roisin Butler ]
This is somewhat along the same train of thought...

Has anyone heard of a hip procedure done on YOUNG puppies as a preventative?!?!?! :eek: I was talking to someone earlier this week that knows of someone with 2 Mastiff pups. Both these pups had hip surgery at around 10 weeks as a preventative! I was like "WHAT!??!?!" (Yes, I meant to shout)I told them I know dogs who've had surgery at a young age, but never as a preventative. It just doesn't make sense. Has anyone else hard of this?


New member
no, I haven't. I was under the impression that one shouldn't do surgery on bones/joints until the dog is skeletally mature..... could be wrong though.
The whole "hip preventative surgery" story just doesn't make any sense to me. My first thought is WHY would someone do something like that? How do they know that dog wasn't going to have the most excellent hips ever seen? Why would you mess with something that is just beginning to grow? How do you know you're not going to make that dogs hips worse by messing with something like that? The list of questions go on and on! And WHO would do that to a pup that age? Holy cow! When I talked to an ortho vet about Owen, she told me the 3 surgical options along with non-surgical options. 3 of the surgeries I wouldn't even consider...but I'd do the last one (total hip replacement) if there was absolutely nothing else I could do. She never made me feel pressured in any way. I can't imagine what I'd say to someone who told me to do a preventative hip surgery! I'm going to have to do a search on this and see what kind of explanations I find...

Nita O'Dell

Inactive Member
Some people are just stupid, cruel, and vain, :mad: & I’m sure if the breeder know what this person had done they would not have this Newfie anymore.
At least I hope not. Someone needs to tell this person it’s not DROOL anyway it’s LIQUID PUPPY LOVE.
And just what she is missing out on.
Moose drools all the time and I would change him for anything. There is nothing better in the world to come home to after a hard day at work than a kiss from Sean & Moose. Drool and all.


Active member
I know of a few Saint folks who had that done to their Saints. I've also had people stop by my home inquiring about puppies and telling me that they've thought of getting that type of surgery for their dog. I would NEVER EVER recommend that type of surgery!! It's completely unnecessary and if someone is so turned off by drool then they should get another breed of dog! Heck my daughter has even found a use for drool. She uses it as hair gel!

Personally I think Newfies (except for my dear, sweet Logan ;) ) drool much more than Saints. At least Christine's do...........................................