Speaking of Alpha & dominance.......


Inactive Member
Any suggestions for me to help my kids with the pups attempts to dominate them?
girl is 17 yrs and a very passive kid
boy is 4, his nickname is Gator...enough said.
I don't leave 4yr old alone with pup. But if given 1 second Satchel will jump on him from behind, bear hug him and attempt to get him to the ground. He nips much more with the kids. I am teaching them basic commands,but it is just so obvious to the pup that those two are the ones to control. I have tried to teach the teenager the alpha roll....is there another way I can show the pup that he is not in charge of the kids? If I am around, he is on a training lead and I don't allow him to nip and jump but the second I move away to see if the teenager can try it on her own...the pup sees it as his opportunity to conquer!

By the way, I'm diggin' my role as Alpha. You just have to get in that mind frame like GAD stated previously. I don't use a wimpy voice and I don't say it if I don't mean it.(kind of like with the kids..ha) I saw someone's signature as "She who is to be obeyed" and took it as my Mantra


Staff member
Read my other post of dominance. The kids MUST re-inforce their position in the pack, as must you (treat them as high-er ups etc.).

Be careful with small children, as it has been proven that dogs cannot distinguish them from small animals. This can lead to biting and corrections especially during mealtime (the dog's, not your's).

The dog must learn that your kids reside in the pack above them.

One trick that may help is to let the kids feed the dog, but only after the dog obeys a sit FROM the kid! Most pups act the way you want them to when bribed with a treat. Use that to your advantage.

When all else fails, if you can't gain control, I'd recommend a professional trainer - they can do wonders. The funny thing is they really don't train the dog - they train you and your family.
