Solo thinks he's little


New member
He's probably wondering why you keep blocking the entrance to his house!
Great picture. Thanks for sharing.


New member
Solo's a riot. He has his own "thing" and there's no way around those "things". He goes under my desk because ... Ok. Lemme back up a bit.

Like any good Newfie, if it's comfortable for humans, it's too hot for them. And Solo, true to Newfie Fashion, thinks 60 is TOO HOT and prefers to sleep in the stair well where it's nice a breezy cool. Being that the stair is nice a breezy cool for Newfie Fashion, it's waaay to cold for us - so we close the door for the stair way when it's chilly (like it has been lately - 50 degrees upstairs, 60 degrees downstairs - we're too poor to heat to proper Human Fashion).

Well, one day, Solo was feeling just a bit Needy. Newfie Needy I guess you can call it. So he crawled under my desk. It was at that moment (or several Moments later) that DH went upstairs and left the door open. Solo jumped up and ran to his "Spot on the Stairs". And of course, since he's in the stair way, we don't shut the door because ... well... that would be rude to shut him out!

So now Solo thinks, "If I get under her desk, the door will open and I can get to my Spot On The Stairs".

Remind me to tell you all the story of "How Solo Gets Outside" or otherwise known as "Solo Locks Himself in the Bathroom. Again. On Purpose" :| These are also known as "SoloIsms"


New member
Solo sounds like a very smart boy.They have their way of training us dont they..Great picture


New member
:D What a handsome boy Rachel! It looks to me like he fits quite nicely!!

It sounds like he's very smart...he's got it all planned out in his head!


New member
Solo is such a nut! Maybe he's just looking for a den? Lucy kept trying to squeeze under my desk the other day, too...and would get wedged, then back out. When I finally moved out of the way, she dove under there....and grabbed a cat toy!


New member
Not only is solo handsome but clearly he's very smart too! That is the funniest story and frankly, he looks quite comfortable under there!


New member
Too cute! Shiva so far seems to be the same way. She has to be lying on top of my feet, regardless of where I am.



New member
Sorry Solo - under desk does not = open door.
I wanna hear the story about him locking himself in the bathroom!

Pam G

New member
Solo looks adorable all curled up under the desk. What a face he has!!!! Hogan LOVES to lay under my desk whenvever I am on the computer. The problem is that he bumps into the hard drive and loosens my internet connection I have to restart the computer. Very annoying!!!!!


New member
Oh my, handsome and smart to boot. It's so funny isn't it? Stoli groans as though we're sticking him with a hot poker whenever the heat kicks on (and we only keep the thermostat at 67 in the front and 62 in the back).

Great shots.