So Relieved


I have read a lot of posts about health challenges with our fury newfs. There were many times I kicked myself for finding Saide at a pet store but I must say we have not had any health problems. When she was 2 months old we were concerned about her joints growing to rapidly but that turned out to be nothing. She is as healthy an animial as I have ever seen; both mentally and physically. I am so glad, to this point, it has been smooth sailing. We love our Sadie!

Connie w Tuck

New member
Our Golden was our ooops. Our other Golden died and within a week we were looking in the paper. Mom was in a fenced in area with a Llama and dad was tied to a trailer. The "breeder" said we could have 2 for the price of 1. OMG! But he is 12 years old not on any medicine. He is doing very well - retired in Alabama with my daughter. I would never tell anyone look in the paper and get a dog - but sometimes you can get lucky. You are lucky too!