

Inactive Member
HI! I am wondering if it's all right to shave a newf for the summer months? Sampson gets so hot, and much to his dismay I have bad circulation and am always cold. Will it be bad for him if he's shaved? We wouldn't shave down to ths skin or anything, just so there's about an inch or so of hair. Thanks for any info or advice!


Super Moderator
NO NO NO do not shave your newf. You will only shave off the guard hairs that protect him/her from sun, insects, ect. The long guard hairs also help keep your newf cool. The reason you newf is hot is because of the undercoat. You need to brush out the undercoat.

The best tool I have found to do this is called a "mat spliter". (available at It is only about 1 inch wide and the teeth are razor sharp. It really pulls out the undercoat. The drawbacks are (1)it is small so it will take some time to go over the whole dog (2) do not use it by raking it over the coat into the skin--you will cut the dog. When using the mat splitter for undercoat removal move your wrists in a "flicking motion"

Please do not shave your newf. It will take almost a year for the hair to grow back. Unless you do shave to the skin you will not be removing the undercoat and he/she will be just as hot with short ugly hair.

You can do lots of thing to help your news stay cool. Freeze bowls of water and leave them around to lick on...get a fan...or get yourself a sweater and crank up the Air Conditioner. Me? I am very cold blooded. I love 80 degree/humid weather, but I keep the house at 72--I wear sweats all summer long and I cover up with a blanket while watching TV or on the computer.(yes I have a blanket over my legs right now--no I am not an old lady) It is easier to make me warm than make a newf cool.

Sorry to respond so bluntly, but as a groomer I have refused to shave many double coated dogs just to make them cool. It does not work and it is bad for the dog. I know they just take the dog somewhere else, but I do what is best for the dog--not always what the owner wants. I know the groomer in town that will shave--say a collie--charges $80--I grit my teeth when I think of the money I am passing up. But as I said before, I put the best interest of the dog first.

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda