shampoos and conditioners?


New member
I emailed Spectrum Labs today to see what they thought would be a good shampoo and conditioner for Jake and they said the Aloe Vera shampoo and either the Perform conditioner or the Miraculous cactus, anyone using these and what do you think of them?


Super Moderator
Spectrum Labs is the ONLY Shampoo that I will use in my shop. Very good quality. Call them and ask for Steve. Tell him Jeannie from the Pooch Parlor told you to call him. As far as shampoos I would suggest the conditioning shampoo. Very gentle. Won't strip the oils from the coat and don't have to use cream rinse. Try this one to start out and have Steve send you a list of all the shampoos. As I said very very good product.

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


New member
Jeannie, what about the shampoos you can get at the shows... I can't remember the name of it, but it's for dogs with black fur. I think it's Ebony something like that. I was planning to getting it tomorrow. Can't get it anywhere else. And while I'm here, I recall you saying not to use oatmeal conditioners... which is what I just used on Molly,
. What's wrong, does it dry out the oils?

Thanks, Linda


Super Moderator
Oatmeal can be very drying. It is good (soothing) for skin problems. I remember my mother using oatmeal for poison ivy--drying and soothing. I also remember using oatmeal mask as a teenager for acne problems. Don't get me wrong, oatmeal is a wonderful shampoo when needed. Most of the oatmeal conditioners are mixed with something to add moisture back into the product. The only time I use oatmeal conditioners is when the dog has a skin problem that needs soothing.

Those shampoos that bring out the color or whitens white coats are good. I use the ones made by EZ Groom. (The white is heated in the microwave to get a best effect). I like them, so go hog wild tomorrow when shopping. Remember lots of the grooming products at the nationals can be bought else where much cheaper.

Have fun--I am so jealous!!!!

Jeannie and the rescues
Sara, Samantha and Panda


New member
Thank you Jeannie, oh well, Molly does not have dry skin
so I will pick up the right stuff tomorrow or if not, then on line when I get home.

YIPPEE............. Nationals tomorrow and
