Search and Rescue dogs?


New member

I searched the web trying to find something about using Newfs in real SAR work (coast guards?), and I didn't find anything?

Does the US and CAN Coast guard use Newfies at all?

Pleas if they do, put some links her, I'm very interested!


New member
Here is a link to a previous post, Italian SAR.

And, if you'd like to meet one of the dogs that actually jumps out of that is Naike's Dogster page. Her mom is very willing to chat about the school. (I think her significant other was one of the founders)

As for the US...I've tried looking everywhere I can...and I even wrote the reference librarian at the Coast Guard...silence.


New member
Nope, real SAR in the USA is Search and Rescue, meaning land work or body recovery in water, meaning cadaver.
Your meaning of real sar work and our meaning is different.

I called the coast gaurd here in manitowoc, and, they were amused that i would even consider calling them and they said they had no use for dogs.....


New member
Newfs are used in coastal water rescue in the Western Mediterranean Sea area. France, Italy, Algeria, and a little in Spain can find Newfs hard at work as Life Guards. The label "Coast Guard" has very different meanings depending on which side of the Atlantic you are on and on the western end of the pond, our Coast Guard units in the US and Canada are definitely hampered in their rescue abilities by being "Newfless". (At least from Tsunami's point of view.)

Full scope Search and Rescue expands their inate abilities to include Wilderness Air Scent Search, Tracking/Trailing, and Forensic applications on both land and water. This incorporates first finding the person needing rescue and then, in many case, actively assisting in the rescue itself.