SCNC Draft test question


New member

Couple of questions.

1) Can meal and t-shirt reservations go on one check?

2) Which hotel are you guys staying at?

3) Do we have a set up time yet?

4) Can I bring you my check at the workshop this weekend?


Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess

1) You can write one check

2) We're staying at the Red Roof Inn located in Speedway (they also refer to it as Clermont)

3) We have no set up time yet. I had to get through the workshop first.

4) Where were you yesterday? I'm worried..... :(


New member
Sorry Annie, and anyone else who was attending this weekend.

I had one of those weekends...sinus infection, staph infection in my leg where they have been giving my my drug therapy for the Cushing's) and then yesterday stomach flu. I rolled over and went back to bed. Or tried to. Guido was feeling frisky.....

Anyway, sigh, I wish I could have gone....
