SAR & Heat


Inactive Member
It's been boiling hot here and we are avoiding training most of the time. When I have to go, it's usually early AM to about noon. I have purchased a power inverter and household box fan for the van when D'Artagnan has to wait in it for his turn to train, but I worry about it shutting down. Somebody is always watching the dogs in the cars when handlers are doing support for other handlers. He also gets lots of water and ice but I am finding it a big challenge to pack enough water for both of us on longer excersizes.

Any ideas on keeping cool in the van besides a fan?


New member
Hi ev
i used to soak emmett down on hot days, if there was a lake handy at our training areas, usually there was, he went in for a dip got wet.
we also used a white cotton tee shirt, soaked it in cold water and put it on him, tying up the loose end at the back part of the shirt. always keeping it wet.
i did not work my dogs in anything over 75 degrees, one search i was on it was 85 degrees, i did take him out, but i told the unit leader it would not be for an extended period of time, he worked well for about 40 minutes and than started to show signs of the heat when we were in direct sunlight wich was in an area he and all the dogs alerted on.
so be wary.