Samantha update


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I was asked in another thread how Samantha was doing. Let me tell you she is doing fine. As sassy as ever--completely back to her old bullheaded self. Her leg is not completely healed yet. Tomorrow will be 8 weeks since her surgery. The vet says allow 3 months for healing and 4 months for complete freedom and running around. She is feeling great and trying to play with Adam daily. We really have to watch them closely.

Her allgeries are unbelieveable. Her skin is cleared up. I think that the holistic approach and the raw diet is really making a difference. Her hair is growing back really thick. By spring I hope she is a different dog than last year. So at the get together this year you will see the REAL Samantha.

Now if I could only say the same for Panda :(
That's great to hear that Sam is doing so well! (And Happy Birthday to her too!) She's had a rough go of everything, but it certainly sounds like she's overcome all of it! Yeah!