Sam got skunked


New member
After a rough day for Sam, having some bouts of diarrhea, and many urgent trips outside for relief, things were finally settling down. We just went out for a final piddle before bed. I had him on a long training lead and he started to run, which he has been doing all day to get to a proper pooping spot quickly. He made a sudden 90 degree turn between a close row of huge spruce trees and a woodpile at the side of the house. I couldn't see and tried to haul him back - he ended up rolling on the ground, lead wrapped around the trees, in dirt and needles. Got him into the light and had a good whiff - phew - don't think he got a full dose though. Rushed him into the house and grabbed the peroxide, baking soda & dish detergent and scrubbed his head, face, chest etc. It must have felt good because he didn't flinch at all and held his head up for more. He smells OK now, I think......hope I'm just not immune to the smell, He's flaked out now and better not have an episode of the runs tonight 'cause I don't want to go there again!!!! :D


New member
My friends Newf got skunked last week, just in the face. She had to wash the face a few times to get the smell off. If I remember correctly when our previous dog was sprayed she smelled for about six months every time she got wet. Sam make sure you get rid of the skunky smell before NewfStock