Sad News With A Happy Ending...


New member
My heart goes out to you Jane. I am glad Sassy is going to be ok. There is only so much you can do. Odin found a home that was a better home for him and I'm sure another newf in need will find their way to your door.


New member
Just catching up and didn't know Odin wasn't with you anymore.

You absolutely did the right thing for your family and Odin. Glad no one was seriously injured and he has a new, happy home. Kim


New member
Just saw this. You did the right thing, and - - - you were the conduit to getting Odin to where he belonged. So, it's all good, except for your two little ones who were bitten. Hope they are fine now.

KS Newf

New member
You were his angel, Jane, and now he is in a forever home. Thank God Shannon and Sassy were OK. How frightening!