Rescue Christmas Tree

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess
It's my goal to have a Xmas Ornament for every rescue that we have had the Honor to pick up, transport, and/or foster. The tree topper will be a newf angel, which will represent Sadie Mae.... our very first... and very special special girl... now at the Bridge!!!


Inactive Member
Where are you going to get them from Annie? I saw a gorgeous newf with angel wings on the internet somewhere a couple of years back and would love to get it, but never could find it again.

What will Kira's ornament be? A Newfie with a red cape and devil horns (but with a gold halo to top it off?) :D

Sound Bay Newfs

Active member
The newf with the angel wings is still on e bay. If anyone wants it, I can send it through to you. Just let me know. There are some really cute X'Mas newf tree decorations. One is even from Australia, AmyPC.
That's a great idea, Annie!

[ 11-22-2002, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: NewfYork ]