

New member
I have been married for 46 years. My thoughts are as follows:

No one is perfect...we both have faults but the good ones out weigh the bad ones.

We live in a throw away world and it would be easy to walk away when things get tough. When we had bad arguments neither of us left we stayed there and worked through them.

We can fight now without thinking we're going to divorce.

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
I think society has really blurred our insights on what a marriage should/or shouldn't be, and what makes us compatable. Society tells us that if we have a lot of interests and beliefs in common, we are compatable. (See LOL) The trouble is, interests and beliefs CHANGE often throughout life, so if we base our relationship on that, it will surely fall eventually. If we get married because we are committed to loving each other unconditionally, and committed to showing our children how to love unconditionally and serve each other in this life, we will do far better. Along the way we will stop judging each other on one or two stupid mistakes, start learning to compromise, and find huge blessings in this life and in our families. Our spouses and children won't be afraid of losing us for any little thing, and will feel secure and able to soar in their endeavors in this life. Anyone who has rescued a dog understands that they need to build confidence in the dog with unconditional love and a stable environment. So if we start to understand that our commitment to each other in marriage has a purpose that goes beyond petty, fickle feelings, and has a purpose in society as well, we will have fulfilling and successful relationships. And that purpose is to help the other be the best person they can be. (I just heard this sermon by a Priest over the weekend and thought it excellent! ;))