Raw Feeders in T.O.

angie j

New member
I got a call from the Govt. Funding office today about my Raw Meat Business....
The message they left said, "Great idea... big push inthat area... Improtant information about your funding....leaving file on my desk... We are waiting for your call."

Anyone in the GTA.. let me know if you'd be interested: What meats (at reasonable prices): you would desire, what you would expect to pay for delivery... and any other things you would need to know from a Supplier.

That includes you Peter, your input could be beneficial, as you already have a price marging from a local supplier...P.M. If you feel inclined to advise.

Thanks for any and all help

Angie J


Inactive Member
I would love fish. Right now I feed Shiraz NRG's salmon, and because I can't find a reasonable supply of whole fish for a decent price, I won't feed raw. I don't live in the GTA, I would be buying in bulk to take home to Stratford, so I would be interested in bulk discounts and bulk supply.

Peter Maniate

New member
Hi Angie,

Sent you a PM. If you could supply frozen whole raw fish on a continuous basis, there would definitely be a market.




New member
Hi Angie,

I am pretty open to any type of meat (the muscle meat especially) but I do prefer to feed meat that is drug/steroid free - and I pay a premium for this. Of course the whole frozen fish would be great for us too.
I bought a "fresh" whole mackrel at my local grocery store (they shall remain nameless), and not even 10 mins after Timber devoured it - she threw it up and left it! So there you have it.
Even us raw/fresh feeders have to be very careful of our sources.



Inactive Member
I also prefer drug/steriod/hormone free meat. Oh, so leg bones from cows that are free from junk - grass fed, etc. I would LOVE access to a ready supply of those.


New member
Keep us in the loop about this too Angie - we have decided to switch to a homemade diet....just have not decided on a diet yet. ;) We will want fish for sure.