Question for Bridget and DennisL


Inactive Member
HPond ...I forgot to mention (sorry, its been way too long of a day!!!!) ...I use Mapleton Canine Metabolizer to about twelve months ..then switch to their ShowBrite supplement. Don't be put off by the name ShowBrite ...its an unfortunate choice of words (marketing does that sometimes
). Its much more than a haircoat optimizer (I believe the way to think of it is that the haircoat is a reflection of overall health)...check out the supportive web page for this product (on the Mapleton page).


Inactive Member
Will do
! I'll be doing more reading up on supplementing. Thank you so much for all the great info. Very interesting!


Inactive Member
I started my 15 week old on Candidae four weeks ago, I am very pleased, although my vet tried to get me to switch to large breed puppy food , I am holding firm. I also put an apple or a banana in her evening meal to help hold her through the night.. she loves the fruit. I use apple as my training treat at puppy kindergarten!


Inactive Member
Hi Mollysmom ....IU stands for International Units and is used for the measurement of drugs and vitamins.

Good old Webster defines an IU as: a quantity of a biologic (such as a vitamin) that produces a particular biological effect agreed upon as an international standard.

Now to really confuse things,
what this means is that IUs are dependent on the potency of the substance, and each substance would have a different weight (milligrams or whatever). So for example, 1000 IU of Vitamin C would have a different weight than say 1000 IU of Vitamin A. So if you want to convert from IUs to say milligrams to compare really can't do it. You would have to check with the manufacturer.


New member
Hi Dennis, thank you.

I was concerned that maybe it was "how" to administer the drug
. Though I had to read it a couple of times, I did finally understand
. Linda