Puppy Update (pics)


New member

Isn't she cute? She has sufficiently educated herself on how to sneak onto my bed (the non fur babies taught her, I am sure.) She is obviously capable of relaxing despite the presence of my children, as beauty sleep is oh so important to her.

Currently she is doing a very good job of playing nursemaid to my daughter who broke her arm Thurs night. Osita knew just how to calm her down. Thank goodness too. I was up to my ears with whines, cries, screams, etc. Nothing worked but the puppy.

I love her serious pose. Only for photos.. Please note she went directly from that to providing my son with the great gift of slobber, leaving him with a very beautiful snail trail on his head. No need for gel I guess.... And I do love the proof that she did eat that Christmas ribbon afterall. Much less messy than the toilet paper roll she attempted this morning.
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New member
She's adorable and I hope your daughter is better soon! Kids look like they are having a great time with her!

One thing to note, that ribbon is bad to eat. Like really bad. Had a friend nearly lose a kitty cat (and spent like $6,000 on surgery to save her) because she ate one end of the ribbon and then gulp...gulp...gulpp...it got all twined up in her digestive tract. :(

Glitter, OTOH, goes right through and makes poop easy to find in the dark (bag on head).


New member
Oh yeah, we know about the ribbon. In the picture is about as destroyed as I let it go... there is wire in that stuff too. So bad!! We took it away after the photo.