Pork for dogs???


Inactive Member
I was told the other day by a friend that dogs over the age of 5 should not be allowed to eat any pork product because it is very hard on their pancreas. Have any of you ever heard of this?


New member
I have a newf with a pancreas problem which requires her be given pancreatic enzymes to be added to her food and soaked before she may eat.

Not only have I not been told never feed her pork but the enzymes she gets are from pork pancreas. She will have to get these for rest of her life.


New member
I've never heard about pork being damging to the canine pancreas. Eating high-fat meals can cause problems, though.


New member
that is interesting, thanx!
i know many newfs GSD and other breeds with irritable bowels that do fantastic on the back to basic pork formula becouse it is easier to digest.


Inactive Member
I wasn't sure if my info came from a reliable source, just wondered if any of you knew for sure. I will be bringing my Newf in for another consultation regarding hip surgery so I will ask him what he thinks, and I'll let you all know what he says.