Poor Cooper


New member
He desperatly wants to be friends with my chihuahua, Wraggles. Wraggles hates him with a passion. Cooper will walk past Wraggles kennel and Wraggles thows a big fit, barking and snarling and such. Cooper even tries to give Wraggles his toys as peace offerings. He puts them up to his kennel door and leaves them there. It's very sad. :(


New member
Do you correct Wraggles when he pitches his fit? Try making them both just lie down quietly in the same room, where they can see each other, get acquainted, but not allow any contact. If either reacts, tell them to settle (or down/stay, or whatever works for you). Insist that they be on good behavior.

luvxl k 9

New member
It is possible this might be a fear reaction. As Laurel suggested maybe getting him to be civil while in the same room first then gradually get them closer and closer together. Good luck!


New member
And some dogs are just posessive about their crates. My friend's french bulldog loves her housemate dogs (everything from a chihuahua to a giant schnauzer)......She will play with them all day long.
BUT, if she is in her kennel and one of the others gets too close, she will try to eat them up throught the door. She is quite protective of her property (house).
A supervised meeting on neutral ground is definitely in order for your two.
Most of the small dogs that have met Snuffles tend to bark a lot, but generally when I get Snuffles down, the small dogs sniff, and tend to be OK.

But chihuahuas tend to be a bit agressive. Not long ago, I was at some people's I know trying to fix their computer, and Snuffles was quietly laying by me. The older chihuahua came in, and charged Snuffles. I am surprised Snuffles butt didn't knock a hole in the wall, because he just got up and back his butt in the wall. My BRAVE dog!

BTW, their younger chihuahua bit me a few days later when I stuck the back of my hand down to be sniffed when I came in the door, and pet the pup. Glad the pup had small teeth, and just scrapped the skin.


New member
My silky terrier never wanted anything to do w/my newfies. They wanted her to play so bad and she did not want any part of them. So, eventually they said ok have it your way, and while she would be sitting in the yard, they would creep up behind her and smack her w/their paw. In turn she would get furious and they got what they wanted. She would chase them around the back, in anger, but they looked at it as play. :D


New member
Unfortuanatly chihuahua's are notorious for hating other dogs. I do correct him. It works a little bit and then he starts up again. He does hate it extra much when they go near his kennel. The other dogs have sort of learned to ignore him. I just think it's touching to see how poor Cooper makes such an effort with him. Like "You seem so upset little guy! Here take my toy, it will make you feel better."


New member
Ok..up front..everyone knows I have no great appreciation for 'the smalls', and none for the cranky 'smalls'. That said..I do have some friends who have adorable lil dustmops, of various spendy breeds..who are totally socialized..and, around them..I just fear dropping an olive on them..under which they would be flattened..well..ok..not totally..but close ;) If certain breeds seem to be suffering from so much aggresion..can't the public , as the saying goes..'just give em a pill' ? Is anyone able to 'look back in time'..and see if these were always so angry/short-fused? There must have been a time when they were..amenable and could share space..in a pleasant fashion..or they would not have built up such a following. Tis a puzzlement.
ina n HB


We had a cranky little 'alpha' Lhasa Apso while raising our first Newf, Nellie. Spanky is the reason that Nellie cannot be around small dogs to this day. He always felt threatened by Nellie due to her ever increasing size (I suppose) and the knowledge that he would one day lose this 'alpha' position in the household. Nellie challenged him as she got older and he would never be submissive to her. They never got along, but we were able to have peace by consistently correcting the squabbles that would occur. Pretty soon, there were no more squabbles (or very few) but they never liked each other. Cooper sounds like an absolute angel and he may remain submissive to Wraggles.