Planet's Funniest Newfs


Inactive Member
I thought it would be fun to have an ongoing dialoge about the really stupid, dumb, and just plain funny things our newfs do that keeps us constantly entertained. So - I'll start -

Sammy (our intellectually challenged child) tried to follow one of the cats through the cat door and got his snout stuck. Think scene from the movie The Shining - Jack Nicholson - face in bathroom door "Heeeeeeeeeer's Sammy" Laughed till I peed (its an age thing.)

Hope everyone shares and keeps on sharing.


New member
Dixie, as a pup, took a six pack can by can and shook it up in the backyard, puncturing the cans and spraying it all over, I think she drank some too. Then she decided to see what Kody was doing outside and stuck her head under him when he peed. She needed a bath with the smell of beer and urine. Yuk!

luvxl k 9

New member
Yesterday morning DH came in to wake me up. As he leaned over Apache decided to say hello, doggy style. He fell over landing on top of me and who should be on the other side to clean his face but Beau! Apache deciding since Dad fell it was time to play so he jumps on top of Allens legs. Beau not to be left out jumps on the bed and lays his front paws across his back, effectively pinning him on top of squished me and preceeding to clean his face. Allen was laughing so hard he couldn't even move. What an awakening!


New member
lol.cute stories, do I dare tell a family secret, lol, yea why not. My hubby, we call him Bubba is a very serious faced man with a great sense of humor and pride. He thinks his Pyr Garrett is the bomb of the earth,hes the largest of 5 and sure does get all the looks when we have them out. Well hubby having an over blown ego one day decided to Take Garrett to petsmart ,yea to show him off, lol of course Garrett and Gunther always go together everywhere , so off the 3 go in the truck, before they left I asked hubby if he was sure he wanted to take both as they have a tendancy to get very excited, his reply was I can handle it. Well OK, oh pyr master go ahead!!About an hour later Bubba returns,face flushed lookin very defeated, well the boys showed their true colors this time, of course folks at petsmart gave Garrett the hello pretty boys hubby enjoys but Gunther deciding he wanted attention too, and decided to start humping Garrett,the more attention Garrett got the happier Gunther became, Hubby said he tryed desperately to get away so these humping dogs would stop but the folks kept asking him about Garrett, and Gunther just kept getting happier, he was so embarrassed by the time he came home and exhausted too, he swore never to do it alone he swore me to secrecy on this


New member
Well I guess I can share this now since the one that did this is now passed so she doesn't have to be embarrassed by it anymore. One beautiful afternoon I thought I would take my 2 year old newf out for a swim. As we waded into the water she was becoming more and more excited. Suddenly she became boyant.... scared the devil out of her she held onto me so tightly i had claw marks from my shoulders to thy thighs....... guess water just wasn't her thing.


New member
This will embarras my big boy Hancock, but I won't tell him if you don't. Happened last week. Hope I can explain it so it makes sense.

To set the scene. My bedroom where he sleeps at night has 2 doors, one to the hall (which was closed) and one to the bath. The bath also has a door to the spare bedroom, and the spare room opens on the hall as well. That door was open, but not easily seen from the rest of the house. So it makes a circle.

I was trying to take a nap in the living room, and awoke to a small newfy whimper. I ignored it. A few minutes later there was a much more insistant whine. I got up looking for Hancock - not in the living room, dining room kitchen or computer room, not in the lower level. All doors to the outside securely locked. Now it is pretty hard to misplace 140 pound newf... and I was getting worried. I finally noticed that the door to the spare room was ajar and went in - no newf there or in the bathroom.

But finally found him - in my bedroom, leaning against the door to the hallway and obviously wanting out of there. Had a eally forlorn look on his face! All that I can think happened was that he followed his cat into the bedroom, she went under the bed, he laid down waiting for her to come out, fell asleep and then woke up, and couldn't find his way back out the way he came. Most of the time he is brilliant - but not that day!


Inactive Member
Since we are sharing the embarrassing stories - of course aren't they all? Sampson and Delilah have this nasty habit of drinking out the toilet. I try to get my hubby to keep the lids down but sometimes I think Sampson is smarter than he is and for those of you following the Sampson stories.....(LOL).

Anyway - I'm in the office (next to the guest bath) and I hear scratching coming from the bathroom - not cosntant, but every once in a while. I finally get up to go look - the door is shut - not unusual - my husband does that sometimes after he uses it (won't go into tht) - I open the door and there are Sampson and Delilah scrunched together between the tub and the vanity (about 3 feet wide) looking up at me with drool hanging out their mouths. They went in and managed to slam the door shut behind them with a butt or a tail and when they turned around to get out - well... you get the picture. I'm not sure how long they had been in there.


New member
When Tulsa was a puppy,we were looking all over the house for him and could not find him.
We finally found him in the bathroom.
He had managed to close the door, jump in the bathtub, close the shower curtain and was sound asleep.


New member
One day when we were out shopping for x-mas. Kelvinn always sits nice in the back of our 4x4 and waits.. most times he just goes to sleep.. not this time.. he jumped the back seats tried to get to the front seats and got stuck.. here is the proof.. poor baby picture never works

[ 02-07-2006, 02:07 PM: Message edited by: Nasus ]