Pictures and updates


New member
Finley is doing well. He is always in trouble and is quite handicapable. I have noticed that he is starting to slow down, in ways that I am hoping are normal for a 7.5 year old golden retriever. He isnt always romping these days and spends more time napping. It is worrisome since he has had cancer and has always been such a wild man, but I remind myself that if he hadnt had cancer, I would probably just assume that it is maturity setting in.

Morgan is slowing a bit. She just turned 7 and is full of opinions about how her life should be managed. She wants breakfast first thing when she wakes, ideally before she pees. She wants dinner the second that I pull in the driveway, and wont go do her evening business until she has eaten. She gets huffy if I am up past 11pm, and paces and puffs until I open my bedroom door so she can go to bed. She wants to be with me whenever I am home and likes to "help" me cook i.e. stand next to me and hope that I drop something. Her back end has always been weak, and I am working hard to keep it from weakening. She romps in the yard alone each day, so she can run and I dont worry about her getting bumped into by either of the other dogs. She goes up and down the stairs and I will make sure she continues to do so to keep up her strength as much as possible. She has had recurring pyoderma around her eyes for the past few months, hence the little bit of hair loss, but they dont itch anymore, so I am just waiting for the fur to grow back.

Lucy is such a goof and although estimated to be 7- she is at least 6 because I have had her for that long- she acts about 2 but not in a mischievous way. She is playful and loves toys and loves loves loves to run. She is in perfect health and has never had any ailment, even an ear infection or a skin problem-- absolutely nothing. Makes me see the benefit of owning a MUTT!! Ha!! She loves to cuddle and is happiest holding hands with a person...but quite frankly, there is not enough of me to go around and she is often the one that gets left out. She has a blossoming relationship with my cat and they rub all over each other, which is hysterical to watch.



Super Moderator
They sure are beautiful, great to see them, it's been a while!! And so good that dear Finley is doing well,

R Taft

Active member
So nice to catch up with your gorgeous dogs.......I think Finley is allowed to slow down a bit. Even Tessa has slown down a little bit at six :)

Jeff in Ottawa

New member
Hi Gillian. I'm glad your pack is doing well! I like the term handicapable. I'll remember that one! They all look like such sweethearts!


Active member
We had a yellow lab that didn't start settling down until she was 4. So it sounds like your boy is doing well for his age. I wouldn't worry at this time.