Pica???? or mouse hunt?

Susan Ferree

New member
I am wondering if Isabella has Pica or if she is tracking down a mouse. She has literally eaten a hole in the wall. One afternoon I a heard a noise and thought one of the girls was just pawing at the carpet to "fluff" it. A few minutes later when the noise hadn't stopped I went to investigate and found a hole 3 inches across where Isabella looked up at me with a white nose as if to say What, What? Yesterday while we were gone she worked on her hole some more and has gone all the way through the sheetrock. Arrggggg!!!!
Anyone else had a wall eater?


New member
No...but when we stayed in the log cabin in Virginia I think Nanook would have started, given half a chance. He spent all his time running in circles through the downstairs trying to catch the mice he could hear under the floor...


New member
Could definitely be a mouse. Fill up the hole with steel wool, fix it and the mouse will find another place to enter the house. :lol:


New member
Time for a crate while gone. Had more than one wall eater when pups. It's something to chew on especially while teething.