Photo Challenge #271 - Super Heros


Active member
Let's see a photo of your super hero and please say who his/her persona is. Be creative in your thought, I'm giving you a lot of leeway. You can make up the persona. Doesn't have to be a dog, but here's an example.




Super Moderator
Panda: Doctor of Hearts. Her mission is to visit hospitals and bring joy to children. She is able to heal hearts like no other doctor. She is known for her wagon rides, kisses and hugs.



Active member
AWWWW. She's sort of like the Dr. Christina Barnard of Newfs in that photo. Love it! She was such a beauty, and that beauty will never die when those kids remember how sweet she was and how important her visits were to them.

Don't we have some more superhero's out there? Contest only goes until next Sat.


Super Moderator

Arthur is my super hero at the moment. He came here 2 1/2 yrs ago as his parents went to live in London, in a high rise appt. for 3 years. He adapted so well, from being a city Newf to a country Newf sharing with his littermate Nicholas, and at that time also Gracie and Evan. Then Owain came along and he was the only one who put up with Owain's puppy behavior.
In 6 months time Arthur will go home to his parents in Victoria when they return.

For information only, as I have dubbed this Travellling Man, when he was 2 yrs old he went to Belgium for a couple of years, so well travelled!
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New member
Roger was the superhero Thor. The mighty god of thunder, who ran things and was the future king of Asgard. He was also brother to Loki the God of Mischief. Roger was my noble king, leader, protector and brother to Mischief Merlin...

Merlin is the superhero Flash Gordon. Able to move at a speed quicker than the human eye can follow....Merlin will ZOOM by any table, counter, refrigerator etc...and snatch up as much as he can fit in his mouth, as long as it is edible..

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Active member
Yay! This is more like it! Great photos, Jane!

I just realized that this is going to be harder than I thought.


New member
"Trudgen" - The rescuer of man and beast

"Aviator" - always first on scene (especially when ladies are in distress)



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Ok, it took me a few to figure it out...but it all makes sense now

Here's is STORM

What's funny is all along I've thought it was my bad luck that rained/snowed/huricanned us out each time at OC but all along I'm sure it's now been Myra all worked up, hehehehe, can you tell I'm an X-MEN fan??


New member
my intrepid super hero . Lani McNiel , Scottish version of Indiana jones . he has been with us almost three years , he settled easily , then has travelled from country to country , house to house , lost one of his precious sisters along the way , never has he lost his cool , has took to each adventure like he was made to do this , always remained the sweetest ans most loving boy , AND!! ther will be more adventures to come ,x



Active member
I'll tell you, these are all great! They are so cute, heart-warming and even "awwww" inspiring. It's going to be very tough deciding a single winner, when they are all winners in my book.