Photo Challenge 267

For those of you who want to see destruction, see this old thread. Newfs are ANGLES! (NN) "Quit Laughing Leonard"

When Snuffles lived across the street, he got out of the kitchen and when I went to get him, he had done some damage....even eating floppy disk with business files on them. Of course this happened before cell phone cameras were common, and I had no digital camera at the time.


New member
this one is of Saska , a fair few years ago now , this is when he was attacked by a pillow !

this one is of Aslan , he had stolen the rat toy from layla , he was so happy !! needless to say it didn't last long !

and for fun , I woke to this , but Aslan did not rip up the roll of chritmas paper , the duck did it !!


Wayne A

New member
Love to help but I don't have any photos .Chloe destroyed $$$$ in eye gasses computer mice etc. but nothing I would have taken a photo of.


Super Moderator
OK I am going to choose a winner since everyone seems to have perfect newfs that destroy nothing. I couldn't decided if I wanted to choose by the biggest mess or most expensive. After looking through the photos I decided one of them meet both criteria.

Angela you win hands down. That is one big mess and those cushions are expensive.
Snowdog gets second place. How did a puppy get to the umbrella. Oh yea they are newfs!

You are up Angela.